The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 629

Salvation through Born Again 272 Scribes had trampled the vine- yards with their foot, which are the life’s of Judah’s people, now in our days of end, garden of Jesus, which is the church of new testament , satan has been tram- pling it by his foot and destroy- ing . Do not you have jealous about this? 29 They (wrong preachers) are made the New Testament church, which is pleasing to God, destroying and desert and heaps of wastes. 30 The church which is called in- visible kingdom of God is weep- ing for the help. You are ap- pointed as a shepherd to com- fort; strengthen it and intercedes and tending the Lord’s vineyard with full care. 31 Anybody didn’t cares about the living church of God. Wrong preachers are destroying the liv- ing church of God. Why are they doing like that? 32 They are all (wrong preach- ers) participating the council of evil Satan. They are living what it is written about them. It is - they are not joined in My council. I did not send the preachers but they are com- The Salvation is the Gift of God ing with ran. I didn’t speak to them, yet they proclaimed. But if they had stood in My council, then they would have proclaimed My words to My people. 33 II You have to think and be- have just like the apostles, the disciples of Jesus by not mak- ing yourself higher than anyone or any other. You should be meekness and humble like Lord and walk with the Lord in spreading and building of the kingdom of God. You have to understand the will of God and do accordingly. 34 You have to do every good thing favorable to God and grow yourself with the help of doing the best in God’s service. You should be careful in everything completely and having the mind of Christ with fully attentive. You must supplicate for me. If the Lord’s will I will see you face to face. I wish to meet you per- sonally on some day. 35 II Finally, as I a disciple of Christ cautious you and I stir you up about the definitions of scriptural gospel, scriptural Born Again and repentance accord- Salvation through Born Again 273 ing to the word. 36 I remind you that definition about the scriptural gospel is: Christ died for our sins accord- ing to the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scrip- tures. 37 Definition about the scrip- tural Born Again is: Being for- giveness of Sins by Jesus or At- taining Sins forgiveness by Jesus. 38 Method of Born Again: Through Water and Spirit. 39 Definition about the repe- ntance: When the sinner Born Again after that leaving the dead works that means ransomed from the futile ways inherited The Salvation is the Gift of God from forefathers. 40 I remind you these heavenly truths. You do not forget any time these heavenly truth’s. It gives richly provided for you into the kingdom of God. So, live to others an exemplar life. 41 He who does not love God and His word and does not live according to the word, will be captivated by eternal punish- ment. 42 The uncountable mercy of our God, the father, glorious richness of Christ and peace, guidance of the Holy Spirit which is experience of filling, be with you abundantly forever and ever!