The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 62

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN showed no fear and not obeyed their king to help these red, black and dread ants and made him accept their request. The time was passing and the red, black and dread ants of the sheol de- cided to do as planned by their king sintrader”. 12 “These black and red ants started attacking on the honest white ants; they take away white ants food from their mouths of white ants and they hurt the white ants by scratching and wounding them. They made the children of the white ants alarmed and afr- aid. 13 They put tortures and their food is looted and no food pres- erves left not seized. And the Sintrader made entered some more insects into that fort; these insects are takeaway the food from white ants. The white ants understood the problem and they assembled at one place. 14 They prayed their heavenly king; they requested Him to excuse them and prayed their heavenly king to be their king and save them from the problems like this. 15 The heavenly king who alwa- 108 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD ys shows mercy on His children heard their prayers and requests. He separated a white ant from them and He blessed that distinct male white ant and made him as the leader for the white ants”. 16 II After this arrangement is made, the imperishable white ants, as per the request and arra- ngement by their king, made that imperishable white ant as their leader. That leader white ant, in the course of saving oper- ation, started protecting their white ants race and expelling the cruel and torturing sheol ants from their fort”. 17 “He has determined to save their race by expelling and for- cing them to go out of their co- untry; thus decided to make the red, black and dread ants made entered in to their fort by the sheol king Sintrader go out from their fort. 18 Their heavenly king made the leader white ant as the leader by consecration. The leader white ant expelled all the red, black and dread ants from the fort, made the fort clean and consecrated. Then he asked their heavenly king to come Salvation Through BORN AGAIN back to the fort again. 19 Their king commended them, took them to His heart, He enter- ed the fort immediately and made them strong again and gave the blessings of prosperity. The wor- ds of the spirit can be heard by anyone having the ears”. Interpretation of the Parable 20 II “I, the man of God, O Lord; yet I could not understand the meaning of this parable, I req- uest you to my lord to enlighten me to know its interpretation so that I can make them understand this correctly. I am the servant of you, O Lord, tell me to know the correct meaning. 21 I know that only you can exp- lain its perfect meaning, it’s not possible for anyone to explain this. Show me your mercies upon me. I prayed God like this. 22 On the same day at six o’clock and twenty minutes, the voice of God, the consuming fire, came to me and said like this - The meaning of that parable is like this - “The word ‘heavenly king by name Rich wealth’ me- ans - the imperishable eternal and, rich God, Lord of Lord’s our lord who is and King of Ki- 109 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD ngs and living God. He is fore- ver rich and wealthy. The word ‘place called decrement’ is ‘this perishing earthly place which will perish on one day. Fort is similar for country”. 23 ‘He’ means ‘our living God’ and ’in the fort’ means - ‘in that country’. ‘Some white ants call- ed undiminished ‘means ‘some people who are pure and holy, having no second death - they are as parable fifty, forty, thirty, twenty or at least ten’. The wor- ds ‘grownup some white ants’ means - ‘God is nourished so- me holy people and trying to make their remnant race grow big and huge’. 24 “The words ‘ He gives enou- gh food every day to those wh- ite ants mouths and the white ants are fed well in life time’ me- ans ‘making those special ants happy by arranging everything needed to them and let them live happily’. The words ‘drink the living water’ mean that - ‘obedi- ence towards the living water of word of God’. 25 The words ‘without any problem and fear’ means - living happily without any danger and