The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 611

Salvation through Born Again 236 be perfect with the fullness of Jesus Christ and get transforma- tion. 28 Salvation comes free with His grace by the regeneration, irre- spective of actions, so you are a saved from Jesus, so you can do anything as per the demand of your body and mind – if anybody preaches like this, such preacher will be definitely the son of Sa- tan and you have to thrust out such person from the church of lord. I am telling this with the au- thority of God in me. CHAPTER 4 SO, man of God has to put a request (prayers) for worried people every day, he should not do anything for flare up or inten- sification other’s worries. 2 The man of God should have the ability to explain how the sin- ners can wash their sins, iniqui- ties and transgressions with the lord in the form of word and man of God should have the experi- ence to make them understand completely the meaning of divine word of God and the blood- shed by Lord Jesus. 3 Such man should not expect anything (money) in return from The Salvation is the Gift of God them. Because it was written - Freely, you received so free- ly you give (help). 4 You have to take care in living God’s church that no one should expect for the redemption mon- ey from the sins, because – Our Lord has been sold as the re- demption money of God’s chil- dren from the sins. So only our Lord Jesus Christ is the full re- demption money for the sinners. Glory to Our God, the Father forever and ever. 5 II If any one expects like that, think that he is like Gehazi and you have to behave in a way that Lord will take it as something to applause. 6 In this context, you have to continue your supplications for Roman Catholics that they also understand the truth of the word and have the changed heart and repentance according to the word with the grace of God so that they have the new birth as per the scriptures. They are liv- ing with the leprosy of sin like Gehazi. There are Popes, Fa- thers and Pastors in them also. God may show mercy on them, so continue your supplications Salvation through Born Again 237 for them also. 7 Man of God should recognize the God’s will, how the olden days, man of God intimates the mind and will of God to the king and helps the king in the sound rule of the kingdom. The man of God should play the same role of advising the God’s will now- a-days also by helping the Prime Ministers and Presidents elected by the people and to serve to the people. 8 He should be capable to curb and break the bad, bold enough to suppress the egoism with the help of God’s will in wars, he should not be encouraging wars, and he should also be changed as a war weapon in the hands of God. 9 Not only this, he should love the enemies and he also be some- one who can ignore the taunts and bear the dishonors. He should be ready to work like a skilled artisan in making the reli- gious infatuation removed from hearts and God’s word skillfully installed in its place. 10 Because, our Lord said –For nation will raise against na- tion, and kingdom against The Salvation is the Gift of God kingdom. 11 When the first man heard and obeyed of his wife and laid foun- dation to sins, from that day sa- tanic thoughts took place in hu- man mind (heart) and from the Cain murdered to Abel, the be- ginning for wars took place. 12 The word of prophecy says – nation on nation not rises and war weapons will be left in the thousand years rule of our Lord, the human hearts of sin- ners put fire to God’s eternal wheel and get burned to ashes in turn till then. 13 Man of God will get the wheel of salvation from God and they should understand this mercy granted from God to them (men of God). 14 II Now-a-days, the word of God is not in plenty, so the man of God should serve the food of word of manna in plenty to the sons of God. He should remem- ber the word, which is delivered by prophets that youth and even the old men become weak with lack of word and do(serve) the needful as per the need of the time. 15 He should be ready to serve