The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 604

Salvation through Born Again 222 that He is God. 8 He said that He is the son of God; He was annointed one and sending Him in to this world. He revealed that He has been sent to redeem the sinners and ran- som of sins. 9 But I am writing clearly here to make you understand about the divinity of Triunion. God is one. He was appeared to the pe- ople beneficiary as the Triunion God. God’s Triunion is - God, the father, Son of God, the Holy Spirit. He was appeared the ben eficiary of the peoples. 10 Hence, I am telling these things to make you free from your doubts regarding Jesus Christ. Those are - He said He is the son of God (God in the position of man), He denying Himself and walked with proclamation of gospel. 11 Yet, I say He was in a full glo- ry in the heaven, but He was just an earthly and perfect man in this world. But why he did not announce that He is God while He was walking in this world? 12 Because – He came in to this world likeness of sinful flesh to save us from the sins. It is why, it The Salvation is the Gift of God was written that - God sent His son(means God came into this world likeness of flesh) likeness of sinful flesh and He conde- mned sin in the flesh. 13 What is the meaning of these words? The meaning is – when He entered into this world, He was in the flesh of restrictions, He was likeness of sinful flesh, the sins of acting against His word and, He was caught in the flesh of slavery to the sins, thus He was wear in the flesh of the likeness of sin. 14 He had the flesh which has restricted He Himself to anno- unce that He was God, if he has to announce like that, He should not have enter the world likeness of the body of restrictions. As He was under many restrictions, that’s why He has no option to announce that He is God but He was in the second position that is- Savior of the sinners. He was God in the heaven and at a time He was the Savior of the sinners in this world(At a time doing two duties in two places). That’s why He hadn’t been preaching about heavenly position,that is - God, but He had proclaimed His Salvation through Born Again 223 position as the saviour in this world. You know that a restricted man can not be God. 15 So, God shouldn't restricted. Because, it is written - God is Spirit. 16 It is why it was written about Him that - therefore He had to be made like us in every aspect. 17 It was written in another pla- ce – He did not do any sin in his thoughts. He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in His mouth, even no sin in His birth. 18 How a man under some rest- rictions can be God? He cannot, isn’t it? So He denying Himself, and He said “My father! and hon- ored who is in heavenly position. 19 After conquered the death, He had been proved as the living God. Because – in the case of a will it is necessary to prove the death of the one who made it. Because - a will is in force only when somebody has died; it never takes effect while the one who made it is living. 20 Yes, it is true and it cannot be effect. It is why when, He won the death, and He broke the thorn of death, and fulfilled the law. 21 He had been proved that He The Salvation is the Gift of God is the only God of truth from the dead when He was raised. It was possible only for Him to be in the heaven and in this world at the same time. If He or the son of God announced I only God,while He was in this world, He would had been under the restrictions. God cannot be under the restrictions, is it not right? It was written that - God is the consuming fire and none can live with Him, the scriptures alert that - none can live seeing Him directly. 22 So He is upon the throne in heaven with full of glory. At the same time, He was living in this world fully human, now like the Spirit of God (Himself). He is walking among His church. 23 In this way, the true and only God appears as the Triunion to the people and blesses. 24 So there was none in this world who came to this world before Jesus Christ who came here as the son of God. You ha- ve to receive His beloved divine son ship of heaven and apply yourselves. That’s why He said - " All who have come before Me are thieves and robbers".