The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 599

Salvation through Born Again 212 parts called soul, spirit and flesh. 18 Spirit is placing men in high and special status than animals. Because of this spirit, man has, he is controlling the animals and the creation. 19 Man who is created in three parts, belongs to the past, pre- sent and future ages. But remem- ber that He Himself created these three times at one starting point in eternity. 20 We perceive from the Bible that the only God decided to wo- rk in these ages. That is why God is the triune God (one in trinity). 21 They are : first the law given time and, the rule of Law; seco- nd, the fulfillment of the Law as a symbolic permanent solution for sin; third, the plan of salvation for men to the end of the world. It is God’s eternal plan of salvat- ion for men in these three ages. 22 God has been working in the- se three ages. I would like to explain how God the Spirit exh- ibited His glory (here glory me- ans working in three types at a time) when He entered from eternity into Time, and again from Time into eternity. The Salvation is the Gift of God 23 II Let me tell you how it is possible. As a president or pri- me minister how you are deter- mined to discharge your respo- nsibilities in three stages to raise your country to the top. 24 Firstly, you are working as a President you think you are the first citizen of your country. Isn’t it? It is. But you are to be elected as a member of your parliament as a President or Prime Minister. 25 You are to be mingled with people of some constituency and be elected by them to that particular constituency. Which means you became or will beco- me the leader of that constitu- ency. 26 Secondly, you are executing a portfolio (branch) for the req- uirements of the people of your country. Thirdly, you are perfor- ming your responsibilities as a father in your family. 27 But now a day’s same Pres- idents and the Prime Ministers are leaving or giving up their families to serve the nation. 28 About this it is written that - it will happen so to those who had the grace of God. And you are performing this responsibility Salvation through Born Again 213 of president or Prime Minister for the defense of your country. 29 As a single person, you are performing these responsibilities as a leader of your constituency, as a minister of a portfolio, as a father (if you have a family), and watchman of your country. Isn’t it? It is. 30 Being in matter, having limitations when you are able to perform 4 to 5 responsibilities, if you think that the self-existing almighty God cannot perform from three places, you are dece- iving yourself. Assuming that God cannot perform so is surely a foolish thinking. 31-33 About this it is written that - let no one deceive himself, and in another place - He will manifest in His own time, He who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality, dwe- lling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see (God will appear to humans eyes or make listen His voice to human beings). 34-37 But He revealed Himself to many. In those days He visited Enoch, a Hebrew named Abram The Salvation is the Gift of God (Hebrews are not Jews), Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, father of Samson, and few oth- ers and received their hospit- ality. That is why He united all men to be saved from their sins. As it is written - Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself lik- ewise shared in the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of dea- th, that is, the devil, and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. 38 He was seated in the heave- nly throne in glory having eternal status, being on the throne for ages 39 but came into the world, be- came flesh and offered Himself as a propitiation for the remis- sion of the sins of mankind, had victory over death, destroyed the devil, who had the power of death. 40 Hence, - He elected formed nation Israel in the age of Law and revealed Himself to be the God “I AM” and I am not false, but true, to the world through that nation.