The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 596

Salvation through Born Again this physical and spiritual realms. 45 Why does as an exemplary the throne given to you? God said to the first man, “Have domin- ion!” Moreover it is given to you that you might know that God has throne. 46 Why do you have ministers under you? It is in the likeness of angels of God who does the commandment of God on earth. 47 About His angels it is written that God calls them - “O angels who fulfill His will”. 48 II O Presidents, O Prime Ministers, do not get anger for the words I speak to you now. 49 Because it is written - Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are dece- itful. 50 So what I want to say is - you are moving in air from one country to another so that you can have good relationships in your tenure, 51 but listen - if God does not protect your journeys and your vehicles how will you live? If God commands the vehicles, you travel to go to some unknown place far away from knowledge of science of human and be 206 The Salvation is the Gift of God smashed, 52 what will happen to your works you planned? Do you not fear when I say these things? Will you do anything to God if He commands your vehicles to kill you? 53 O Presidents, o Prime Min- isters, how foolish are you? You are boastful that you are pro- tecting your countries and your citizens. All your boasting is vain. 54 Because it is written that - unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain and He will protect your countries and bless your journ- eys. In another place, it is written - “You do not know Him (living God) but He anointed you with many titles”. 55 God is remembering His promises, so you are travelling all countries with health and safety. 56 II O excellent rulers of the physical world, I would like to tell a word about the trend of the world. You may be a Presi- dent or Prime Minister, I will remind you what people will do to you if die in an accident or normally. Salvation through Born Again 57 They will wrap your body with clothes. Do you know why the physical bodies are wrapped with cloths? Will you answer this question? 58 Can you tell why men wear garments? Do not think that it is a strange question. You may say it is to cover our shame! 59 But garments are the symbol of the salvation which is given by God. Everyman thinks to escape from eternal hell or the conseq- uences of sins. That is why they put on new garments to the dead bodies. Hence it is written - He made me put on garments of sal- vation. 60 Why do the dead bodies re- quires garments? Moreover why does the dead body required to be bathed? Why do people per- form last bath to the stinking dead body? 61 Performing bathe is - the like- ness of cleansing the sins of men by the word of God that comm- itting sins against God from his childhood until the end of his de- ath. Do you have such experie- nce? Has God forgiven your chi- ldhood, youth, and old age sins? Do you forgive those who does 207 The Salvation is the Gift of God wrong against you? Certainly, you are forgiving. Likewise, if you ask for forgiveness God will forgive your sins, no doubt. 62 Is God, the creator forgave your sins by His word? If I ask you this question, O Presidents, and Prime Ministers, what is your answer? Probably, you may say like this - 63 Look Mr., your religion is yours, and mine is mine. Do not ask any further and I will not answer anymore. I, a disciple of Christ, request you not to dece- ive yourselves. 64 Politics is one of the things that drag men into eternal hell. So, awake from that dreadful miry clay. What will men do to your dead body if your spirit leaves the dust body? They spr- ead perfumes of various fragr- ances to your dead body. Why do people do so? It is the liken- ess of dead man upon rising will become like a fragrance. Ok. 65 And what will they do afte- rwards? They put a big garland around your (dead body) neck. What does the garland teach men? 66 Let me tell you the meaning