The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 594

Salvation through Born Again mption. 107 So, O Presidents, O Prime Ministers, do you despise the call of God to Born Again and be- come partakers of His heavenly kingdom. And do you want to go to the eternal judgment? Ch- oose whatever you wish. 108 Do you want eternal lake of fire or eternal life? Chose you Life or Death? I humbly beseech you to choose eternal life with the love of Christ. 109 Because - there will be gnas- hing and sorrows, persecutions and cry of distresses forever and ever. CHAPTER 9 THERE are more than 3200 questions in the holy bible. How- ever, you Presidents and the Prime Ministers, have you ever questioned yourselves what the life is? 2 About life you may say that it from the birth on the earth until the death of life doing all sorts of things and awaiting for death and the death is end of all life. 3 Remember, what I am going to say - However, the life means travelling from temporal to ete- rnity and from perishable to 202 The Salvation is the Gift of God imperishable. Life is nothing but changed into imperishable but not perishable. Life is - living from ages to ages. 4 You always think about your party and your ruling. Have you ever thought about the purpose of life? The purpose of life is - eternity. 5 It is either the eternal life or the eternal torment of lake of fire and brimstone. 6 Is there anyone who will live without tasting death? Is there a wise man who can count his sins? Do you know how many were your iniquities and sins? 7 What will happen to men after their death? Will men live after they die? Will anyone teach God about knowledge? Are these things happened by chance? Or God made them all? 8 How foolish you are? Do you not know the difference between the creation and the creator? Or man and other creatures? How can man become righteous be- fore God? Will not God consi- der the works of men on the Day of judgment? Why do you think of the things of vain? Who is Satan? How will be his ruling? Salvation through Born Again 9 Why do plot against God and His servants? Who gave the earth to men? What is the reason for poor and rich to born on the ea- rth? Why do men despise the lo- ve of God? 10 What is the secret of the ele- ments? Why do the eyes of men upon their head with knowledge? Have you ever thought of what will you become when you die? Will a man’s spirit enter into ano- ther body after his death? It will never happen so. Will the spirit of men evaporate in the air? Is man nothing but breathe? 11 Have you ever thought that what will happen to you, what your sins, trespasses, iniquities do to you? 12 When you are gloriously living in this world, having servants, then how much more God would be on His glorious throne having His angels around Him? Have you ever thought how much glory He has? 13 As men train animals, they tune according to them. Howe- ver, when it comes to Kings, Gr- eat Kings, Emperors, Presidents, Prime Ministers are perishing like beasts without the knowledge of 203 The Salvation is the Gift of God God. God Himself is saying this. 14 Why is the deadly kingdom being spread on the earth? Which one experienced death first? Men or animals? 15 II O excellent Presidents, Prime Ministers, have anybody told you that - will death occures in how maney types? Even if any man of God is willing to tell the scriptural gospel or about the new birth, the way of eternal life, you are dull of hearing and not give time or opportunity. 16 Have you ever thought why you were brought into this wo- rld? Do you want to be torm- ented with the brimstone after you are gone? Do you think you can escape the great judgment? 17 It seems you do not have time to think about your life. You are always busy in the name of the public programs, 18 planning on how to develop your party, how to get to power in the elections, how to rule the country. You always keep your mind on worldly thing. 19 But you never think about what is the purpose of life? Where will I go after death? How many types of deaths are