The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 590

Salvation through Born Again seasons of fruitful seasons from the beginning and giving hungry to all living creatures? Think of yourself truly. 29 II To get to know to the peo- ple how you struggle a lot. Then does not the glorious great God desirous to reveal Himself to humankind as He protects you, and giving good health? 30 Every man is a dust particle in the sight of God whether he is an Emperor or King or President or Prime Minister or any other great person. All are like yester- day past in His sight. 31 You Politian’s, Presidents and Prime Ministers, why do you make merry and rejoice in vain! Do you speak false vows in the name of God and about the God? Do you not know who is He? How do you write your bir- thdays? Why do you add Chr- ist’s era to your birthdays? 32 What do you think Christ? What do you think about Him? Who separated the history into two parts? Do you know the exact meaning of A.D. (Ana Domino) which is Christ’s enter- ing into glory, and the era of Christ? 194 The Salvation is the Gift of God 33 O Presidents and Prime Ministers, it is God’s will that all human beings should know who God is and why He is God and have knowledge about Him. So the Holy Bible know that, is the only revelation of the living God and be blessed by studying it daily. 34 I am glad to explain you that God is Yes and fulfills His pro- mises and prophecies. 35 One says about the word of God - “thy word is settled in hea- ven” and “For You have mag- nified Your word above all Your name.” 36 So, o presidents and prime ministers, I am prepared to exp- lain you clearly about the distinct of the Word. Make cleans your ears and hearts. 37 II I request you to tarry with me for some time. Because - I am not a debtor of your spirit but I wanted to be the fragrance of Christ’s resurrection to those who are being saved and to tho- se who are perishing. So I stir up you, 38 I am working hard to drag you from the eternal hell of fire and brimstone. The holy bible is Salvation through Born Again compiling of thirty nine books in the Old Testament and twenty seven books in the New Testam- ent. These testaments are repre- senting Word and Spirit. From the beginning it was not so, but God who had put in His own authority the times or seasons, permitted to do so for the requi- rements of His children. 39 About one thousand and five hundred years God directly and through His Holy Spirit inspired His people to write this great book. Did you get it? Is there any other book to have been written so long? No. 40 O Presidents and Prime Min- isters, have you ever heard that any book had been written so many long years. I never heard. And you? 41 Any book could be written with cooperation of two or four or five or six persons. But, the Holy Bible was written by about forty authors by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. 42 There were kings, great kings, shepherds, fishermen, prophets, government officers, judges, pro- phetesses, doctors, philosophers, scientists, faithful servants to the 195 The Salvation is the Gift of God emperors, Prime Ministers, en- gineers, military generals and emperors, made laws in their countries to the end of the earth concerning the Holy Bible. And it is prepared with the help of the Holy Spirit that to understand the insights of the Word. 43 There is no use of studying the word of God as if studying it in the Bible College. But if any one seeks the help of the Holy Spirit and study it assuredly he would receive the revelation of the voice of God. 44 Because it is written - His word is hearing on waters and the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. 45 About forty persons were inspired by the Spirit and have written certain parts of the Bible. Most of the Old Testament par- ts were written in Hebrew and a meager part is written in Aram- aic and the New Testament is written in Greek. 46 In these 66 books, no part is comprised with superstitions or fables but they were the facts of past and the things going to happen in future. There were superstitions and fanaticism in