The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 586

Salvation through Born Again 186 water, meat and many more things. Organic fertilizers are everywhere. All food commodi- ties are full of adultery, and org- anic fertilizers. 134 What is this? Do you want to fill up humans with organic fertilizers? Are you appointed as rulers to spoil the peoples’ hea- lth? Whatever people want to eat there is organic fertilizers, which spoil their life. 135 You failed to prevent such things and could not develop the inorganic agriculture to protect the peoples’ health. Is it not sin? Are not you pushing to pollution and smolder and making the people to malady in the name of rural development and industria- lization? 136 The bible clearly states that the spiritual man set his eyes on spiritual things and the natural man on natural things. So O Pre- sidents and O Prime Ministers, I will teach you the things of your spiritual salvation. 137 II Egyptian Pharaohs drew God’s wrath for not having spir- itual concern and became idol- atrous, drunkards, adulterers. They preserved their bodies in The Salvation is the Gift of God mummies but could not save th- eir spirits. They are successors; the Assyrians also committed more sins and lost their souls eternally. 138 Babylonian kings too have lost their souls in idolatry, drunk- enness and adultery, but Nebuc- hadnezzar escaped them. Their successors, the Mede-Persian kings ruled according to God’s will and became worthy of ete- rnal life that God offered in Christ. 139 Their successors, the Greek and the Romans have lost their souls in drunkenness, adultery and idolatry. So O Presidents and O Prime Ministers, I wrote this so that you many not lose your soul eternally. 140 Many kings have gone down to the eternal hell but some kings have inherited the eternal kingdom of Life. So you also hasted to inherit the eternal kin- gdom of Life. 141 Because - this is the promise that He has promised us - eternal life. 142 You confess of your child- hood secret sins now it. Re- member your secret and open Salvation through Born Again 187 sins of your youth and be repe- nted of them. 143 For it is written : He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighte- ousness. II 144 O Presidents, and O Pri- me Ministers, redeem the time of God’s visitation, who is without partiality. Because - For man also does not know his time of death. 145 It is God’s will that you may escape that terrible judgment. But can anyone do anything by resisting His will? 146 It is God’s eternal plan for you that you and your families to live in the kingdom of heaven forever with His life. 147 So how can you escape if you neglect so great a salvation, which He offered through His grace you can’t? 148 So you be watchful, learn to live in obedience to His word and escape the coming terrible danger. 149 I make supplications for you every day that you may rule with divine knowledge. CHAPTER 7 BECAUSE, about this the word of God exhorting all men The Salvation is the Gift of God that - a prudent man foresee the evil, and hides himself: but the simple pass on and are puni- shed. 3-4 There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death; he that is wise who does the work at once, than who makes excuses, 5 The way of life is above to the wise that he may depart from hell beneath. 6 II So, o Presidents and o Pri- me Ministers, think about you- rselves. You are taking pains to do good to people. You cannot deny this. However, God’s love compels us for you. 7 Because - God is grasping for your salvation that you might be Born Again receive the eternal life, which He gives through His Son. Whatsoever great things have you done for your people without being Born Again, God is going to cast you off into the lake of eternal fire and brims- tone through His angels. It is terrible and unbearable like val- uable scent poured out into ashes. 8 However, some among you are deceived by the fables. The