The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 570

Salvation through Born Again 154 wilderness on how they should live. 43 He wanted to reveal the whole humankind of His Plan of Salvation, set all the offerings in it as an example of the Cross of Christ to be fulfilled. 44 As they were progressing, Pharaoh chased them with his army to kill them in the wilde- rness God divided the red sea made them walked in the midst of the dry land. However, when the army of Pharaoh chased to kill them God made the sea overflows they were drowned like lead. Afterwards when they were wandering in the wilder- ness, asked for water, He split the rock, and gave them water. 45 Yet they rebelled against His Spirit and Moses for food asking - Can He provided us food in this wilderness? Who will provi- de the meat in this wilderness? We remember the fish, which we ate freely in Egypt, the cucu- mbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic. 46 They looked down their God-given freedom and liberty for their belly, God fed them with the angels’ food for forty years The Salvation is the Gift of God and sustained you without their feet swell. 47 Yet they rebelled against Him,yet He sent quails, got their youngsters married and blessed them with children and gave all that they have asked for. Yet they murmured against God and His servant Moses, so God killed all them in the wilderness 48 and gave their children the Promised Land as He said. However, as the days pass by, they did not live according to what God had given them the laws, statues, testimonies 49 and living the heathen people who do not have the law. Then God raised many prophets among them and pronounced that He would redeem the humankind from their sins, curses and death by the coming Messiah, the Savior of the sin- ners. 50 Yet they did everything against His commandments and statues, filled their country with idolatry, observing the heathen traditions, doing what is not said by God and not written by His Spirit, and didn’t do what they need to do. Salvation through Born Again 155 51 Therefore, as He said earlier He sends them ten tribes into the captivity of Assyria and two tri- bes into the captivity of Babylon. In addition, they took over their nation 52 and consumed all from children elders and aged from the Promised Land. 53 II Assyrian kingdom took over Egypt and emerged as the world kingdom persecuted peo- ple to the end of the world and shed the innocent blood. He ho- ped that they would turn their evil ways after the exile of Assyria, yet they did not turn their ways. Then God raised prophets among them and exhorted through them yet they did not obey His word. 54 Then God wanted the Assy- rians Emperor who He flourished to know His kindness, but they did not understand His works, despised His authority, and exalted themselves upon Him. Therefore, He sent His prophets to proclaim about Him, but they get hold of those prophets, pers- ecuted and killed them. Then God sent His prophet Jonah stat- ing His judgment upon it, the people and the Emperors and the The Salvation is the Gift of God kings and from greatest to the least was repented and turned their ways. But again they forgot their state of life as a dog laps, 55 then God stretched out His hand upon their emperors, kings, utterly raze it to the foun- dation, their fame and glory into the dust, then all flourished of that empire like trodden flower of fading like one who poured the plates, how precious will be waste like that He made the Assyrian Kingdom destroyed by the Babylon. 56 II As the days pass by, the ten tribes under the hand of Assyrian kingdom were brought to the subject of Babylon. As the Babylon kingdom was brought to the high stage by the grace of God, yet they did not know the living God and exalted them above God erected a golden image with sixty cubit height and six-cubit width in the plain of Dura and spread the idolatry. Nebuchadnezzar was chief among them. 57 He summoned all people to the end of the world, and gath- ered the leaders, military comm- anders, rulers, ministers, treas-