The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 57

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN ners. 11 ‘The bride will be made ready by new birth’ means - ‘The saints who will be made gather unto the world, written decrees to the prepare means – the Holy Bible which one is written by prophets and apostles’ through the spirit of God. ‘From those orders or decrees’ means - ‘took from the Holy Bible’. 12 ‘The decrees and commands keeping of the grove means - the constitution, its papers and decr- ees means – constitution of Ame rica country, given to them means – given to that country men. It has been given for the safety of the people of America. 13 You means - the people of America, to Me means – Creat- or of all universe and living God Almighty, Special people means – You are very special than all the races on the land, the Holy people means - the people with the purity and holiness of Jesus Christ. 14 ‘The possession of God’ means – I, God of Gods, prope- rty redeemed and attained thr- ough My son. You will be ble- ssed means- you are blessed by 98 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD God to be very strong, great and powerful people on earth”. 15 II “The sentries of the grove means – The Presidents who come to power in this country. ‘Guarding according to the holy orders in the papers’ means – ‘ruling the country according to the constitution granted to them by the holy Scriptures – ( The Bible)’. The decree ‘watch according to the holy orders in the papers of getting the bride ready for His son’ means – according to the holy scriptures (the way by whi- ch the church will be made ready to rapture according to the Word of God) and as per the constitution granted to them. 16 The words ‘they should wa- tch according to the holy orders in the papers’ mean – they have to rule the country and save the people of America. The words ‘they will be made as the head of the races’ mean – if they live according to the Word of God and according to the constitution, they will be superior like the head of all the people and all races in the world. 17 The words ‘to watch the Grove till He comes back to the Salvation Through BORN AGAIN place’ mean - until His coming back second time. The words ‘Sentries of the Grove’ mean – the Presidents of the country. The words ‘watch with carefully’ mean - rule the country well with keep. The words keep, read and meditate it mean- they should read the word of God and medi- tate it and protect the constitution with watch and do it. 18 The words sentries of the Gr- ove alerting them – the Presidents of that country, with His Spirit mean – help of His Holy Spirit, taught and caution them with the help of the Holy Spirit mean – He taught them that they be alert with the Holy Spirit. The words gave them sentry everything nee- ded’ mean – ‘give economy sou- rces and knowledge to make the weapons, and armaments to pro- tect the country. The words ‘ble- ssed them’ mean –blessed that nation, the words are alert means – the nation of the people will be alert always in regarding the fruits of the Spirit. 19 The words ‘went back to ete- rnal kingdom’ mean - He again went back to His eternal king- dom from where He came to this 99 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD world for a while”. 20 II “The time was passing means- the country is getting on well and the time of arrival of the son of God is getting nearer. 21 The sentries are watching the grove like Judah’s kings, very dutifully means- Like the good kings who ruled in Judah’s king- dom, the presidents of America are ruling the country very well. The grove developed well it me- ans: The country is flourishing with great fame and pelf, wealth and health. 22 The fireflies in the grove de- veloped extremely, it means - the people of America are spre- ader and developed well. The whole grove was filled with bri- ght and their twinkling light it means - the country is filled with the full of holy, righteous and justice and shining with lights of the holy people of that country. 23 Their light spread unto the end of the earth means – the wit- ness of that country people fame and splendor of the people of America and their wealth known unto the world. 24 Head of many races and many countries this means - this