The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 56

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN uming fire, was revealed to the man of God and said like this – “The sons of blind serpent, you preach and make people to beli- eve that one can enter the king- dom of heaven without being Born Again. 28 Who can enter My heavenly kingdom? You rejected My imp- ortant command 1 which I procl- aimed to you that no one can en- ter the heavenly kingdom of God unless he is Born Again. 29 You, who preach doctrines against the preaching of Christ, will be thrown into the lake of fire like the wine thrown into the grinder. 30 What relation is there bet- ween the grain and grass? 31 My winnowing fan is in My hand. I will clear the threshing floor which is the church. I will gather the wheat into the barn and burn up you like the chaff with unquenchable fire 2 . 32 What fellowship can light have with darkness? Is bitter and sweet the same? Who gave birth to you physically? 33 How many women bore you for nine months? 34 You who preach against the 1 Jh 3:5; 2 Mt 3:12. 96 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD preaching of Christ and fundam- ental of Apostle doctrine! Be ready to be thrown into lake of acid by binding your hands and legs and to be tortured along with your father” - this is the Word of God, the consuming fire It is tells as a dream for the benefit of the unbelievers but in fact, it was a vision. CHAPTER 26 Interpretation of the Parable THE next day, the Word of God, the consuming fire came to me again in the morning on 7th and it said like this a – “The parable which is telling by God, the consuming fire, should be clearly says to Trump and the people of the country. 2 They may think that why God is telling with parable. Why these things are told as the secrets? Thinking like this, Trump and the others should not be murmuring, muttering or mumbling. The me- aning of this parable is interpr- eted clearly with this purpose. 3 The meaning of this parable is – “The eternal emperor of the eternal life and light and the emperor of the heaven is - King of kings and Emperor of emper- Salvation Through BORN AGAIN ors and Lord of lords and Presi- dent of presidents, Prime minister of prime ministers in the world in all times and every time – God of God’s. 4 The city of destruction is – in this world. His sake means –for His own glory and splendor, little part of the light means – own splendor of His fame and name show and proclamation unto the end of the earth; the grove is- the country, 5 ‘Thought to build’ means – having plan to arrange in this world. Invisibly entered into the world which means - no one on this world can see Him or know about this”. 6 II “The fertile land near rivers in destructive city called woman who fights wonderful and wins means – the place near the river Amazon, built the Grove means - a country is built, in the grove means - in that country”. 7 Put the fireflies means - “Firef- lies stands for the people who shine with the fruits of Spirits in that country, holy and god-chose- n people. Fireflies keep the gard- en always illuminated it means - the country should be always br- 97 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD ight and prosperous by the holy and god chosen people. It sho- uld spread the light of eternal life all around in the world and it sh- ould make the darkness of sins away from the people in the country. Blessed means - god wished the people every pros- perity and flourish (He blessed them with tri fold blessings). 8 ‘Full with many trees with sweet and tasty fruits means - the race should be strong, great, lovely and flourishing and it sho- uld grow great on the land and be blessed to the world, thought that means – He decided in His heart. 9 For the keeping the grove means – the ruling for the coun- try, guards means - the preside- nts are appointed for this purp- ose, appointed means – elected and they have to rule the country in good manner. 10 In fort means – in that coun- try, tower of the watch means - Parliament house, built means – prepared, in that tower means – in that Parliament, ‘for His son’ means - ‘for Jesus Christ’ who was born as the son of man on this land and save the sin-