The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 558

Salvation through Born Again 130 church, 12 as a Helping Member acco- rding to the Lord’s will, they sho- uld be appointed according to the Lord’s will in which he app- ointed, 13 so every one of you avoid completely the dead work, kee- ping their children before idols and redeeming with money like gentiles. 14 Teach them that the idols are nothing, whatever it may be they are to be destroyed, were made by human earthly knowledge, 15 so as to make preach the sai- nts understand the powerful wo- rd of God. 16 Because it is written – I will feed the sheep in a good pasture. 17 The shepherds who preach the word of God; should hear God’s voice, perceive it, take care to teach like Samuel. 18 II Whoever in you realized that the first fruits or first born belonged to the Lord and 19 willing to give his first born son or daughter to God’s ser- vice, 20 they must first be born again, then if they have foundation, 21 they have to clarify whether The Salvation is the Gift of God the Lord has elected them or not. 22 Then they have to recogni- zed their position and have to be appointed according to the Lord’s will in the place where the Lord appointed in the Spiritual Member for full time ministers (servants). 23 They have to expand the kingdom of God according to Lord’s will and appointed as a Spiritual Members. 24 The first born (first son or first daughter) or the next chil- dren, 25 whoever it may be, appointed before the foundation of the world, according to the Lord, 26 he must be appointed in that place. This would be commen- ded by Lord and bringing glory and honor to the living God. 27 II Finally, if any one offer his first born son or daughter as Jephthah, 28 he is doing well and good, so as to the Lord’s approval. If he gives his daughter to the Lord’s ministry, 29 he should not get his daug- hter married and give her to min- istry; he is a plea sly of the Lord Salvation through Born Again 131 and Lord’s commended. 30 Because - the church take cares of them. So do not be anxi- ous for that deed. 31 Because it is written - the first born in preeminent of dignity and preeminent of power. CHAPTER 27 Oh church! If anyone brings first fruits of earth, contributions, or special offerings or tithes to the Lord which means to the chu- rch, 2 he must not bring them in the form of grain (fruits or grains, harvest) but to sell, put the who- le amount in the offering box. 3 But he should not put them into auction and sell them as gentiles do in their temples and places of streets. Avoid them at once. Do not use covers and blowing trum- pets at the time of giving offe- rings. Avoid blowing trumpets, writing names on covers, writing donor’s names on stones. 4 knowing that God would give him reward that sees in secret, he must give his alms in secret. 5 Do not use covers and blow- ing trumpets like gentiles at the time of giving offerings. Avoid blowing trumpets, writing nam- The Salvation is the Gift of God es on covers, writing donor’s names on stones, 6 in this regard – a preacher says with his believers to write their names on the covers and blow- ing trumpets are let them ment- ion, we know how much they give to the God so that we can pray for them in a special way and 7 he speaks like speaking bird who learnt the words. 8 Remember that those who do this will not escape judgment, regarding these people God wrote that were born of the will of the flesh and hiding their love for money. 9 Regarding this do not forget the commandment the Lord Christ JESUS stating – when you do charitable work do not do seeking praise of men, and blowing trumpets like hyp- ocrites. Let not your left hand knows what your right hand does, 10 and always gives your alms in secret so that the Father who sees secretly may give reward. 11 Beware that the born again people, like the redeemed Isra- elites, to give offerings, and