The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 545

Salvation through Born Again 104 to the trained, untrained to the untrained, unwise to the unwise and wise to the wise. Because it is written that - the wise men save others. 43 Finally, I am appointed with God’s Almighty authority, having zeal for the church in hope, 44 the living God himself appoi- nted me as His disciple. Unless it is God-given authority it will not stand in His presence. So, 45 he must understand that God Himself gave us the authority. God told us – you will be witness to Me unto the end of the earth. 46 Remember this thing. That is – whether he is trained or untrai- ned in the Bible College, learned or unlearned, teacher or apostle or evangelist, everyone in the creation must be stand before the throne of GOD. CHAPTER 17 Oh church! You are to have male Preachers but why do you have female Preachers? 2 Should a woman to preach in the church or man to preach in the church? Do you have more knowledge than God? 3 Do you despise God’s com- The Salvation is the Gift of God mandment? When it exhorts – let you women keep silence in the church; for it is not permitted to them to preach; but they are commanded to be under obedi- ence? 4 Is the scripture telling that wo- men cannot preacher? Or wo- men are not wise? Or exhorting only men can teach? Or telling men are appointed for more ho- nor and women for fewer hon or? You should clearly know it is not so. 5 Are not some of your poets say that women a sign of church and man a sign of God’s level. It is true. Women is the sign of the church, man is the sign of the God’s level. 6 Will the church preach itself? Or should it be preach by God? Does the church have more Knowledge than God? Does the church have more glory and honor than God? 7 It is already an unforgivable sin for a woman to teach in the church so awake and avoid this dead work which is breaking the word of God. 8 The woman who opposes the word of God will surely have to Salvation through Born Again 105 stand before the white throne of God; I exhort you keeping the God’s revelation as witness. 9 So be diligent that such one among you. Avoid women tea- ching like those who do not know God, which is chosen by living God. 10 O women, who are eager to preach the word of God and trample men - you are daugh- ters of wicked Satan. You are living like dancers in movies without shame. 11 If any women received revel- ation of God’s word, she must encourage their husbands or oth- er brothers with intercedes and 12 preachers that they may be used in the church for church service but woman must not preach in the church, it is for sure. 13 It is a shame for women to preach in the church. They have to understand that they should not preach in the church but in women’s fellowship. Avoid at once the dead work of meaning- less transgression of women spe- aking. 14 In this, women should ext- end their help to from the king- dom of God like Deborah. The Salvation is the Gift of God 15 II One among you appeals about this – should not women teach the word of God in chu- rch? God did speak through a donkey! Are not women grea- ter than donkey? 16 And comparing women with animals. 17 We write these to put shame on those who speak like that. 18 Because - he must know that, the bride of Christ must obey Christ, and women (chu- rch) should listen to the teach- ings of Christ. But, 19 not church teaching Christ. 20 Is not the meaning is this that – woman should obey her hus- band in all things? 21 The one who compares the bride of Christ with animals wo- uld surely be thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone on that day. 22 So, you should completely avoid the dead work of women preaching in the church. 23 II O church, any preacher wearing a ring and asking the faithful sheep to kiss his ring, 24 understand that he is appoin- ted to the lake of fire and brim- stone to spend in everlasting