The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 540

Salvation through Born Again 94 darkness – is fulfilled in them. 36 The teachers, who claim to have been speaking in tongues by Spirit, misinterpret the word of God – saying that all the one hundred and twenty in the upper room spoke in tongue by spirit – arguing without being ashamed. 37 How many spoke in tongues on the day of Pentecost? – do not they perceive from the word of God that only the twelve apo- stles? But misinterpreting prea- cher is arguing without testing the word of God that while one hun- dred and twenty brethren had gathered. 38 And again he is misinterpre- ting that - they spoke in tongues because they had received the Holy Spirit. 39 While the word of God is roaring that they were filled with Holy Spirit, 40 he is chiding that it was with the receiving of the Holy Spirit. Such person does not know the difference between receiving the Holy Spirit and being filled with Holy Spirit, 41 asking, did you receive the Spirit? Did not speak in tongu- es? And was sent by the prince The Salvation is the Gift of God of this world to drag the saints to the hell with him, this is got your understanding. 42 Such people ask – have not the household of Cornelius recei- ved the Spirit and spoken in ton- gues! The disciples in Ephesus spoke in spirit as symbolic langu- age and laboring to chide yet, 43 they do not knowing God’s law that “My Spirit shall not strive with men” and running towards God’s white throne. So leave out such person. 44 Such teachers and their follo- wers went down to the eternal judgment. 45 In this regard God through His spirit through Isaiah said that – what ails you now to make full of noise? What ails you now to tumult? They stumbled at the stumbling stone as was written and 46 as the spirit of God said thro- ugh apostle Peter who was elder among apostles said, it is fulfilled – which Paul preached were hand to understand; they are wr- est by unlearned and unstable unto their own destruction as they do the other scriptures, 47 you therefore, knowing this Salvation through Born Again 95 beforehand, take care that you are not carried away with the error them of lawless people and lose your own stability. They are running towards eternal destru- ction without knowing the expla- nation of the truth which the Holy Spirit got written through Luke. So no one should obstruct them. 48 So, o church, if anyone is not of Christ, yet not mindful of the thing which God the consuming fire got us writing through His Spirit, 49 if he rises against the spirit of God who is the consuming fire, he is prepared to face the judgm- ent imposed upon him. 50 So no one should stop him. God speaks once or twice. 51 II O church, our God is not the author of confusion, so do not let any chaos in the seating of beli- evers, using musical instruments, 52 in prayers and in the teaching of the word, behave like – as the whole earth is in the fear and be silent of GOD in His presence. CHAPTER 14 Oh church! You should have the Lord’s Table (Lord’s Supper) on every day of Resurrection. You always remember this one. The Salvation is the Gift of God 3 The bread which resembles the body of Christ should be made with wheat or olive flour. However whichever is not of faith it is sin. 4-6 It should be unleavened. Only the holy and excellent must be offered to God. Tho- se who are new born (forgiven by the Lord), and have sure foundation should examine th- emselves and if their consci- ence does not condemn them then they can take part in the Lord’s Table. 7 Exhort that Saturday is the day of preparation, and inform them that husbands and wives must keep distance from each other are day before. 8 Because of those who claim to have knowledge of Bible College and not to be guile the saints with enticing words. 9 Only man should prepare the bread and arrange the table. 10-11Knowing that what the prophecy is fulfillment that - your children like olive plants round about your table, is given behalf of Christ for the church, keep the table among the saints. 12 No one should worship the