The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 535

Salvation through Born Again 84 anyone speaks like such, this corner should not be here, this should not be this width, doors and windows should not be placed here, 18 you should see him, as a gentile not put off those dead works. Do not see vasthu and thidhi (fortune times) like heathen and do not be subject to God’s wrath. Once you were partakers of that, but now you received God’s grace. 19 When you build a house you should make a parapet for your roof. You will avoid coming on to your home by constructing like that. When you enter (dedi- cate) into a new house, beware do not make boiling milk and ha- nging the green leafs garlands and do not follow gentiles life less deeds. 20 In this regard, one behaves like a gentile and pleasing. In this regard – The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous, 21 such person should gather the church in his home for gospel of thanksgiving and having love feast for to the fellowship. 22 Why do you waste milk in fi- The Salvation is the Gift of God re while it resembles the word of God? Wake up in this mat- ter. 23 II Do not speak defamatory words; do not honor the person of the mighty. Do not give unri- ghteous judgment. Do not harm you brother, do not hate your brother in your heart. All are equal before God. Do not be formalities towards rulers, dukes, wise and unwise, rich and poor in the presence of God. Corruption and sin must equally be judged. 24 If your neighbor publicly damaging others, you should rebuke him so that the consequ- ence may not come upon you. 25 II You are to test those prophesies whether they are of God or not. If anyone says div- ination as prophesies like gent- iles, they are surely of Satan. If anybody saying like this – o my son, o my daughter this is the God’s prophesy about you say- ing like this man or woman surely they are belongs to Satan. 26 If anyone reveals God’s my- steries with the help of the word of God and the spirit of God, Knowing that they are going to Salvation through Born Again 85 take place shortly and apply than watchfully. 27 Man or women saying divina- tion in the name of prophesies abstain from such divination. Even if their words are being ful- filled do not be carried about by then, do not follow them. 28 Do not seek for beast’s ench- antment or human enchantment. 29 You should not do sorcery, should not mar the corners of yo- ur beard, do not cut your flesh for the dead. 30-31Do not print any marks upon you, do not approach fam- iliar spirits. Do not believe in sup- erstitions. Do not make wicked trade, you should have just bala- nces, just weights, a just ephah, a just measure shall you have. 32 Do not be dismayed at the si- gns of heaven; keep yourself far from a false matter. Sin through falseness, curse through sin, de- ath through curse entered into the world and ruling it. Do not let co- wardice take over you, live cou- rageously. 33-34 II Do not despise anyone. You should owe only in love and honor. Forsake disobedience, donot blaspheme any religion, The Salvation is the Gift of God forsake forswear, do not be wanderers, vain talkers, do not strive about words. Despise all doctrines except the doctrine of apostles. 35 Every stripe, revealing, co- vetousness, selfishness. Despise them, flee from boast. 36 Abstain from headiness, high-mindedness, trespass, des- pising good, brutality, unloving- ness, unforgiveness, traitorship, slanderousness, incontinence. 37 Abstain from doctrines of assumptions, fables, polygamy in a form of adultery so they will be put into hell so abstain from them. Put away quick anger, and filthy lucre. Give debts but not take interests. Show divine love. 38 II Women are subject to obey their husbands they need to receive and learn from their husbands at home. Women sho- uld work only when their hus- band struggling, and work acc- ording to the will of the lord, help full to their husbands as proverb like – cold water adds for heat water. Husbands are to love th- eir wives as their bodies. 39 Reprove other doctrines or wrong doctrines, but accept