The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 531

Salvation through Born Again 76 32 Israelites love God, but since their zeal was not according to knowledge, God who has for- eknowledge learned their dis- obedience, 33 revealed this figuratively through prophet Ezekiel, but he who reads that and questions that should understand that it is not literally. If anyone is ignorant let him be ignorant. 34 We are writing these things in this last hour by the command- ment of God who is consuming fire but, 35 we put God as witness that we never peddled the word of God like those who studied the- ology in Bible colleges. 36 So, o church, we exhort you in the name of Christ that you need to take care that your girls and virgins do not be controlled by this dead work. 37 There is one among you tea- ching that gold represents divi- nity and glory? 38 Then, is it not meant that the ears and noses of girls, virgins and women be sanctified to divi- nity (God)? 39 For this reason the word of God is exhorting and do you for- The Salvation is the Gift of God get this? : That you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, ac- ceptable to God, which is your reasonable service and 40 do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God? 41 In another place it is written that he who is pierced with an awl will be a servant to his master forever, 42 likewise the young girls, wo- men are becoming slaves to sin, curse and death and living in slavery and going down to the judgment. So rise up. 43 No man or youngster should do such abominable deed agai- nst God. If any such person is there, notice and correct him. 44 If he does not take heed, in the name of Christ and in the presence of elders notice that and correct him and maintain the holiness, he does not obey drive him out. 45 II O church, when you have noticed your woman wearing man’s dress, why did not you correct them? Salvation through Born Again 77 46 Do you refuse to accept God’s commandment: a woman shall not wear anything that pe- rtains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment? 47 Haven’t you understand and read there should not be any lep- rous plague in a garment of wear- ing? 48 Are not the youngsters wea- ring various kinds of garments of leprous plague, wearing tear garments below and above their waists with symbels of sin and unholy which provoke evil desi- res? What then is it but leprous plague in a garment? 49 Regarding this has not God said – if leprosy is found on a garment it is unclean and 50 commanded in another place - a woman shall not wear any- thing that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment? 51 Those who do such things forget with their hearts waxed gross that God abhors such de- eds making excuses that those were the days of Moses Law but we live in the age of grace and so we need not be so harsh with them, The Salvation is the Gift of God 52 doing that dead work, think- ing that you would escape God’s judgment? Those who think they are teachers, those who pr- ofess to be preachers even their daughters have leprosy on their ears, noses, and garments are prepared for God’s wrath that is the consuming fire of God. CHAPTER 8 Oh Church! Why did you go down to the state of mocking the Lord Himself? What hap- pened to Lucifer? When the word of God teaches the wo- men to cover their heads and sit in humble spirit, 2 why do the women uncover their heads and (hair hanging) sitting in the church with their hair without plaited? 3 The harlots in Corinth used to cut their hair but 4 why then the wise women seated in the church with unco- vering their heads? Who are called worthy? 5 Every woman who pray with her head uncovered or preaches in the woman’s congregation, she dishonors her head and the Lord, 6 do you despise the voice of