The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 529

Salvation through Born Again 72 34 What is the scripture saying regarding this? – When similar situation happened to Paul and Barnabas they said when they came to with garlands and honor them, men,why are you doing such things? 35 We also are men with the same nature as you, and preach gospel to you that you should turn from these useless things to the living God.” And do you know these sayings they were able to restrain the multitudes from sacr- ificing to them? 36-37 So I beseech you to avoid such dead works in the name of Christ. We request you to use the perfume which gives gladness and delight. Because – perfumes are a symbol of anointing and which fills the whole house with fragrance. 38 II One persons mocks at us of our writings stating - this man is saying “not to be adorned with garlands, not to be adorned with clothes, and not said to live na- kedly.” But our writings regard- ing dead works are of the Holy Spirit. 39 We write to put them to sha- me those who are scornful? He is not aware of what the scrip- The Salvation is the Gift of God ture says – their charm is like a flower and is like flowers blo- ssoming in the morning. 40 They do know the scripture saying – they will be like a flower over which the wind blows it will fall from its place? 41 One more thing he does not know. That is - the clothes are signs of salvation, He made me wear robe of salvation. He spe- aks vainly not knowing this. You need to know that flowers are replica of the corruptible. You need to understand difference between corruptible-incorru- ptible. 42 II O church, it is shameful for us even to write to you of the gentile’s dead works you do. 43 Woe, why are separating new couple from each other in the name of ashadam (aadi), and shravanam? Why do you talk about full moon and new moon? Why do you require gentiles’ ‘Days and Timings’? We have already made it clear that all days are good and alike? 44 II At marriage authority is given to bride over bridegroom and to bridegroom over bride (which means to husband on wife, and to wife on husband), Salvation through Born Again 73 having authority on each other, 45 both should wear gold ring (Gold is a symbol of divine aut- hority) or silver ring (symbol of redemption) in the presence of God. There is nothing more than that.(Bridegroom put silver ring to the bride, bride will put gold ring to the bridegroom). 46 If anyone speaks about tradi- tions and culture of his nation, understand that he is merely of the worldly knowledge, not kno- wing God’s eternal plan, and he- ading himself for eternal judg- ment. 47 Fixing a date for marriage as Lord reveals is a must for the bl- essings of saints and for the glory of Christ. 48 Why is this making revelries (film songs), making mess with worldly music at marriages? 49 We exhort you that you sho- uld use the music which brings glory to God during marriages according to the will of the Lord. CHAPTER 7 Oh church!Why is there not a single woman being virtuous, and not adorned with incorrup- tible beauty? As the scripture is saying - women adorn themselves in The Salvation is the Gift of God modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with brai- ded hair or gold or pearls or co- stly clothing, 2 but with what is proper for women who profess Godliness with good works, let your ador- ning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable bea- uty of a gentle and quiet spirit, and by submitting to their own husband, 3 why then such women do not appear in you? Why are there not virtuous women but only contentious women in you? 4 They are not adorned with in- corruptible beauty which is very precious in the sight of God, not learned to fall to worship the living God, not worshipping God in such manner, adorned themselves in costly clothing, 5 gold and pearls around their necks, stubborn hearts with stif- fed necks, not respecting their husbands, having upper hands on them, 6 fall prey to various tempta- tions of Satan, and rejecting God’s word. Will the prophecy of Isaiah go through Holy Spirit in vain who spoke about you?