The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 528

Salvation through Born Again 70 owing why she is covering her head but do not unnecessarily boasts without knowing the inner meaning of that practice? 6 One among your preachers is asking why he is raising this qu- estion. As Rebekah covered her head when she saw Isaac, Is it? 7 So this issue is revealed so that those who ask that question and the virgins who are preparing the- mselves for marriage. 8 This shows clearly that as soon as the Mesopotamian virgins see their heads, they cover themse- lves (their faces). 9 Rebekah covering head pro- phetically shows that Israelites would disobey their God? 10 What kind of lesson is the covering head teaching us? The covering head shows hiding? 11 Israelites anticipated for the glorious Savior for many ages but when He came to them they ref- used and opposed Him, 12 they went down to the rebel- lious state of deserting Christ prepared themselves to work against the will of God our Father. 13 Is Rebekah not replica of Israelites, and Isaac of Christ? The Salvation is the Gift of God 14 In this regard the Holy Spirit says through Paul - when the hearts of the Israelites turn to the Lord, the veil will be taken away? 15 So the veil is speaking about the works of Law. They are do- ing the works of the Law, 16 and rejected JESUS who was the prince of the Law. So the virgins who are preparing for marriage should know that the veil is revealing immaturity and incompleteness. 17 In another way we know that – Rebekah is the replica of the church and Isaac of the Lord Christ JESUS! 18 Is it not the meaning that the church is hiding from her belo- ved filled with the delusion of the world? 19 As the countenance of Re- bekah was hid in her veil and was not seen by Isaac, so are you hiding in sins that your cou- ntenance is not visible to Christ JESUS. 20 The scripture condemns as: But your iniquities have separa- ted you from your God; and yo- ur sins have hidden His face from you. Salvation through Born Again 71 21 In another point of view we can figuratively say that the virgin which is called church redeemed by the blood of Christ hiding in an invisible form in this substa- ntial world. 22 In another way the veil resem- bles wrinkle, immaturity, ambi- guity, iniquity, and condemnation. 23 So the young women who go in for holy matrimonial should analyze themselves whether they get married with veil or without veil which stands for not having spot or wrinkle, holy and without blemish, 24 and will determine to take the best decision. 25 Any virgin who is born again and holy and who has no spot, wrinkle, blemish and iniquities, be sanctified and cleansed with the washing of water by the Word, knowing that the Lord would surely bless her, 26 wants to get married for the glory of the Lord, such virgin get- ting married without veil is a great blessing. 27 I say this as a concession, not as a commandment as it is for the glory of Christ and for their ble- ssing. The hour of the Lord is The Salvation is the Gift of God near. We all are hopeful with unveiled faces to meet Him? 28 II O church, one more thing is – there are preachers of Satan among you who falsely interpret the word of God. 29 Such people falsely interpret the word of God which says – bind my words as a sign on your hand, shall be as frontlets bet- ween your eyes – the preachers made false interpretations for their belly and for their selfdes- truction, 30 encouraging many to tie bra- celets and frontlets with leafs and dragging them to the judg ment. So be alert to dispel such people from among you without any delay. 31 O church, do you want more glory than God’s? Are you not robbing God’s glory by giving prime honor to preachers, brid- egrooms and brides? 32 You are adorning the bride- groom and bride with garlands which will wither surely and sy- mbolically saying that they are also going to wither? 33 You are falsely interpreting the word of GOD by honoring preachers with garlands?