The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 523

Salvation through Born Again 60 to eternal judg ment, 14 why did they separate them- selves from Paul? They were deceived by Satan who create differences and were tossed up by his evil schemes. 15 Then, what did they teach? Not sure? They caught by wind and preached wind, instructed by wind, leading by wind, 16 henceforth they were taken captive for eternal judgment. Many in these last days teaching like them, tossed up and preac- hed by wind and hence they were used in the eternal judgment like fire wood. Many in these last days are preaching Christ like them yet, 17 they preach Him in the man- ner that He is the Son of God but not God, He is one among many Gods, and He is a Son of carpenter, 18 God of downtrodden, God of western countries, He is one among prophets, He is a great preacher who has good com- mand over the scriptures, 19 founder of Christian Religi- on, humble person, ray of hope of the downtrodden, loveable person, who is compassionate, The Salvation is the Gift of God generous, graceful, sympathetic, 20 innocent shepherd who car- ries his sheep, a weak person who died on the cross, who tast- ed death in the hands of the Ro- man Empire, 21 and so on many ways they are preaching about JESUS, but is there any use of their procla- mation? 22 They too have proclaimed so you, who supported this anti- social practice, be born again and get prepared to escape the impending perilous judgment, or else how do you escape the jud- gment of jealous and furious God? 23 Every minute particle in his blood and every nerve is filled and puffed up with caste system, and he is like falling back of tide but there is no use with those to the name of the Lord, 24 to the society, to the church and you need to understand this very thing. 25 Such person without realiz- ing God’s will argues – why then God divided Israelites into twe- lve tribes. 26 He always speaks about relationships of Old Testament Salvation through Born Again 61 Law but has not received the freedom that has been given by Christ to sinners, and is building a wall of divisions in the way of freedom granted to men by the veil torn, the body of Christ. 27 Whatever he learned from the bible college, and whatever he teaches out of boastfulness, they are like perishing seed and push him to the judgment. 28 Is there any holy caste or has God ever told that He likes a pa- rticular caste? Is blood flowing in an upper caste person and milk in a lower caste person? Is there gold in one’s abdomen and iron in another one’s? 29 When everyone has sinned and is running (heading) towards eternal destruction why these differences are then? Is every- one not equal before the Law? Then how much more it will be before God? It is, all are equal before the law? 30 In this regard the word of God testifies - for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and 31 while all have sinned and are set aside ready for the judgment, God granted reconciliation thr- The Salvation is the Gift of God ough His own Son. 32 II O awesome as an army with banners! Once you were not a fellow-citizen with holy men, but a foreigner not having covenant of promises, having no hope and without God in the world, 33 far off from God, are made near through relation of grace by the blood of His Son, 34 so He made you a new man in Christ, and broken down the wall of divisions, social evil practices, 35 a furrow called the word of God and made them with a rod like word all one body, appoi- nted Christ JESUS to be reco- nciliation, 36 Preached the gospel of pea- ce to every clan, tribe, caste, the rich, the poor, the wise, the foo- l’s laymen, old men, youngsters, priests, teachers, rulers and all. Those who are wishing to over- come on the death, God willing and granted them victory thr- ough Christ. 37 There is no partiality in parti- cipating to those who overcome let it be Asian, European or Aus- tralian.