The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 519

Salvation through Born Again 52 her on Sunday that is the Lord’s resurrection day likes to ascend as the Lord does. 15 Carnal teachings are the satan which is opposite to this doctrine. 16 Days are bad. It means be alert so that the passages may not be misinterpreted. 17 The one who says Good Fri- day and who says Sabbath day both will be stricken off by the Lord on that day for eternal jud- gment. 18 Because whoever says so considering days, but blaming the new birth the entrance way to the kingdom of God, So I exhort to be beware that no such one is among you. Regarding this – it was written that if you observe the days, my strain will go in vain. 19 II one among you argues that the Lord was born on December 25 th and passes time as gentiles immersed in festivals. Another argues that it was not that day. 20 In this regard the scripture testifies – do this in rememb- rance of me. Does it not? 21 If so, another one asks that why did God not get this written- in His scripture of the day the Lord came on to this earth in the The Salvation is the Gift of God flesh? 22 But some people boast stat- ing that the Lord came to this earth so claim to celebrate semi- Christmas, and thus exhibit the whole month plays, shows, like gentiles and pose as proclaiming the gospel of Christ. 23 Many people exhaust them- selves in playing skits and entert- ainment programs think that God would receive them to he- aven, but they despise the new birth which takes to heaven ha- ve already stepped down to judgment. 24 It is observed that if anyone says that Christ was born on December 25 th , he knew noth- ing. 25 Because, then – why did not God – who has put in His own authority the times or seasons – start the time table of days, wee- ks, months and years with that itself the first day? Why did exte- nd the week eight days? Whoe- ver reads let him understand! 26 Regarding this, as the script- ure testified that the angels in he- aven, His elder son Israel do not know, 27 both the persons arguing sh- Salvation through Born Again 53 ould know that as His Second Advent (coming) was secret so was the first advent, 28 we exhort to avoid the argu- ment that leads to hell and to take new birth and live according to the Lord’s will. 29 If anyone argues that our forefathers had revealed to us that the Lord was born on the sa- me date, we have been observing the festival ever since our great grandfather – grasp that he does not know anything about Mithr- aism. 30 II If anyone turns the incorru- ptible Lord’s image into a corrup- tible image, understand that he is unwise and blind, destined to the judgment and get away from him. 31 Regarding this Moses through the Holy Spirit testified that none underneath water, in the water, underneath the earth or in heaven above – should not make any im- age or shall not bow down and 32 in another place the scriptures testified that - no one has seen God at any time, cannot see also. 33 So, if anyone asks that His image must be reminded my mind and to pray, consider that He is of carnal mind, so put him aside The Salvation is the Gift of God from among you. 34 We exhort you to consider that those making manger, lay- ing dolls inside, planting Christ- mastree, hanging stars – all these earthly things are doing those who born of flesh and those are predestined for the lake of fire and brimstone completely get away to them and be holy. 35 If anyone is ignorant let him be ignorant, and anyone is kno- w let him be know but preach the blend of new birth with the gospel that uproots the dead works. 36 Remember that - the one whoever is outwardly Christian is not a Christian, he that is born again and have Christ in him is Christian. 37 One asks it is written that - he who observes the day, obse- rves it to the (sake of the) Lord; so we do not agree to your spe- aking so, 38 because – no one is living to himself and no one die to him- self. We observe it to the Lord. But why do you judge your bro- ther? Or why do you show con- tempt for your brother when it was written so,