The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 518

Salvation through Born Again 50 you were not redeemed like sil- ver or gold which is shadow of things, but with the precious blo- od of Christ like that of a lamb without blemish and without spot. 19 So I exhort you not to turn to the basics elementary principles that are do not turn again to the weak and beggarly elements. Do not be in the bondage but be free and at liberty. 20 All works of the Law are to be left and they are the flowers that are to be withered which are example to incompleteness and immaturity. 21 All dead works are con- formed to the cause of death be- cause of the deceitfulness. 22 All men are made sinners by the dead work of disobedience deceived the old traditions sinful habits as inheritance. 23 II O Church, you’re not und- er the yoke of Law or any other teacher’s yoke hence you are appointed to do only the living works. 24 If any one of you are under the Law and doing the dead wo- rks, as he is born of the flesh and living according to the flesh, The Salvation is the Gift of God 25 that day assuredly he would be cut off, by the judgment of the Word which is the living light. 26 If anyone among you is living after the flesh doing the dead works, exhort such person with the love of Christ and correct him. 27 If he hears you, you will gain your brother or else he would be cut off to the eternal judgment by Lucifer who is the master- mind of rebellions. 28 Many oppose the voice of the Spirit who says, “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: Old things are passed away; be- hold all things are become new.” 29 II Someone says, this is my church, I do all things proposed by my church and doing the thi- ngs of the church and by his tra- dition he is making God’s Word of no effect. 30 He who thinks so, preachers who preach so, and such groups would surely be thrown away to the judgment on that day by the angel of the Lord as one throws a thorn into the fire. So arise. CHAPTER 2 Oh church!I am writing reg- arding the dead works that you Salvation through Born Again 51 are asking and ready to avoid: 2 One among you observes days, one considers one day is greater than other day, such person thin- ks that Friday is a Good Friday and all other days are bad. 3 The Lord died on that day only, so that was the good day and we appreciated that day, but not being born again as the Lord said, 4 spending time with arguments and reasoning he is heading to- wards external judgment. 5 Another one argues, that God worked for six days, rested on the seventh day (Sabbath), so God sanctified that day. 6 Another argues that Moses Law says to rest on Saturday and hence we gather together on Sat- urday only. 7 Even that man thinks that the day is important with his worldly knowledge, but not knowing that God established the first day. By not knowing scriptural truth, he was deceived by this world ruler the heading to the pit as a blind man. 8 About the one who thinks that Friday is a good day the scrip- ture alleges that God consid- ered all the seven days good. The Salvation is the Gift of God 9 About the one who argues that God blessed the Sabbath day and ordered to rest, the scri- pture witnesses in another place – you should gather together on the first day of the week. 10 II So, the new born saint sta- rts every day with thanks giving, prayer, and interceding and en- ds with thanksgiving, so he gr- asps every day is blessed. 11 What is the use of God sanc- tifying the physical day? Why are there day without men? Why are men without holiness? Are not both of them vain? Are the days for men or men for days? Days are for men, aren’t they? 12 If anyone among you says Good Friday, do not agree and if he says “the day of Passover for sinners” gathers on the Lor- d’s death day and gathers on the Lord’s resurrection day for wo- rship to our living God. 13 If anyone says the rest day is Sabbath, do not agree to that yoke of the dictum of Law, dec- ree, and encounter the Lord and worship Him, who died for our sins according to the scriptures, buried, rose on the third day, 14 I exhort you to gather toget-