The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 511

Salvation through Born Again 36 and enjoy and earn in this wo- rld.’ 15 They do not know that their life will be withered away like the withered flower. 16 II The poor are not forsaken by God. Remember that the ho- pe of the victims will not be per- ished but it will grow like a spr- out from the stem. 17 I tell you to depend upon the word of God, which comforts in sorrows and be comforted in it. You do not weak in sorrows and in weeping 18 Because – He formed us on His palm and saved us with ete- rnal grace. 19 Don’t trust yourself in every situation but rather hope in God and His word. The ego is the rea- son for pride. 20 The word lifts up the discou- raged. Therefore read and medi- tate the word in times of suffer- ings which increases your faith. 21 Be ready to present yoursel- ves before God with the hope of truth, which is a stronghold and higher than highest mountain. 22 The hope increases more by the reading of the word. There- fore, remind all the saints to read The Salvation is the Gift of God the word daily so that they may grow in regards to salvation by being born again. 23 More the hope is more we can worship God in spirit and truth. Therefore bring them up with the word of God by know- ing that the hope grows by the word alone. 24 The motivation for our hope is the word of God. Therefore the children may not forget the works of God by having hope in God. 25-26 Encourage the parents so that they may teach the word to the children to practice. Tell the parents very clearly that Law commands them to teach the word while sleeping, walking and sitting. 27 All the promises God gave you in Christ are Amen. There- fore pray with hope by not being irritated. 28 Blessed is he who trusts in the word of God. The word is a refuse to him who trusts in it. 29 Don’t forget that your hope will have the benefit as you live with a sincere behavior by kno- wing that faith gives you the courage. Salvation through Born Again 37 30 We, who received the victory by the holy blood of Christ, are indebt to God forever. 31 The desire of a righteous is a tree of life. God would disturb the desire of the ungodly. 32 I remind you again and again that the word of God should be the base for your hope. 33 I warn you to focus on God, who gives generously, and His word consistently, 34 and you should get the victory in this battlefield. 35 Let no one deceive you with deceitful words. Take up what- ever is pleasing to the Lord. Re- buke the works of darkness. Stand as a witness for all good- ness, righteousness and truth. 36 Finally, you who called into glorious heaven and put hope in Christ Jesus with imperishable hope, I cautious you as the dis- ciple of Christ, again remember- ing you that is definitions of Scriptural Gospel, Scriptural Born Again, and Repentance accord to the word. 37 DEFINITION ABOUT THE SCRIPTURAL GOSPEL: Chr- ist died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He The Salvation is the Gift of God was buried, and that He rose again the third day accord- ing to the Scriptures, 38 DEFINITION ABOUT THE SCRIPTURAL BORN AGAIN: Being forgiveness of Sins by Jesus or Attaining Sins forgiveness by Jesus. 39 METHOD OF BORN AGAIN : Through Water and Spirit. Then 40 DEFINITION ABOUT THE REPENTANCE AC- CORDING TO THE WORD : Leaving the dead works af- ter Born Again or Ransomed from the futile ways inherited from the forefathers 41You never forget these things. For in this way there will be richly provided for you an en- trance into the eternal kingdom of God,so be an example to others, and be strong by the Word and proclaim these. 42 He, who doesn’t love God and His word and doesn’t live according to the word, will be captivated by eternal punish- ment. 43 Resurrection of the Lord Jesus is the source of our hope. 44 I hope that I would see you