The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 503

Salvation through Born Again 20 God. I command those who are rich in this world should spend their money for the expansion of God’s kingdom 8 So that they become rich in the eternal kingdom of heaven. This is the command of Jesus Christ. 9 One says that - faith without being born again can save. I say to such one-Can a blind man see the beauty of God? 10 Work is connected to faith which comes through new birth like the baby who has relation- ship with mother umblicus in the womb. 11 The fruitful faith demonstrates deeds. Everyone, who is perfect, can become fruitful in work by faith. Is work first or faith? (Whi- ch is first? Work or faith?). Faith is first, it is. 12 Can’t an unbeliever, who do- esn’t know God, do the works by faith? But such one will wither like grass in the work of faith. When he is destroyed, his faith becomes vain. 13 Remember that no one will be made righteous before God by works.Because - we became sinners and we fall in sin. We all of us are unholy. The Salvation is the Gift of God 14 The prophet Isaiah says that – our righteous deeds are like the filthy rags. 15No matter whether he may be protestant, Catholic, or ortho- dox. 16 If anyone comes and preac- hes you that man can become just by works, and then reme- mber that he doesn’t know the righteousness of God. He is ap- pointed to be punished forever in the terrible lake of fire. 17 It is written that Christ be- came the righteousness of God for everyone who is born again. 18 The faith without deeds is like the fruits without seeds. But many are bearing fleshly fruits. 19 Let the fruit of the Spirit dwell richly in you. Fill your houses with the fruit of Spirit. Then you will be blessed in towns and fi- elds. 20 Don’t think against one anot- her.We all are the children of the same Father and redeemed by the blood of Christ. And we all reach the presence of God the Father. 21I say that a brother should not think against another and loose the blessings of God by commit- Salvation through Born Again 21 ting a sin not leading to death. 22 Because – we are called to be the heirs of blessings and we are appointed to be the head. 23-24 Think about what I am writing – understand that if any- one doesn’t receive the forgi- veness of the Lord in regards to his birth sin, then he will not inherit the kingdom of God, afterwards, if anyone comes and plead before the Lord about his sinful deeds, and then he will be wa- shed by the water of word. He will be Born Again and inhe- ritance of God’s grace. 25 Resurrection of the Lord Jesus is the source of our faith. 26 Such one will be fruitful in ev- ery deed and grows in the kno- wledge. He will please the Lord in all things and shows patience and long suffering. He will not be captivated by enemy. CHAPTER 12 SUCH one is protected thro- ugh faith. He will know what it is to be protected for eternal inheri- tance in heaven by the power of God. 2 He would learn as to how to receive the power of God to overcome the temptations of the The Salvation is the Gift of God devil when he is tested by God. 3 IIBeloved, we all desire to be with Him and we are captivated by what is cursed in our body. 4 We rejoice in suffering and glorious and unspeakable peace of Christ for the salvation of soul which is the fruit of our faith. 5 It is God who prepared us for this, glory, honor and majesty to God, the father forever and ever. 6II We all, that is, those who are called for His kingdom are born from the immortal seed and live in obedience to the word of truth. 7 He appointed us to be ready for the glory which is going to be revealed in the last times. 8 He became the living stone for us who believe in His word. But He becomes a judge as a crush- ing rock according to the law for those who don’t believe in His word. 9 The faith grants stability. The- refore do not be led away by the extreme preaching’s of the preachers but rather be stable in the word of God. 10 Resist the Devil who comes to you with false teachings. Then