The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 499

Salvation through Born Again 12 again, why do you, leave and abuse your husband’s who are not born again? You are irritating the hearts of your husbands by your behavior. 21 Why do you reject your hus- band’s by saying ‘I am blessed? I know the word of God well. You are stubborn and you are like Nabal’? 22 You are living proudly with boastful tongue. You are not hum- ble yourselves but rather you exalt yourselves over your head. 23Then how can you become the daughters of Sarah who called her husband and honored as Lord? 24 Does the word of God, whi- ch says that unbelieving husband will be sanctified through beli- eving wife, become vain in your case? Think for yourself. 25 I commend that some of you are excellent but I would comm- end you more if you attain your husband’s for Christ. 26 Oh husbands, I stir up your minds by writing again like the apostles. 27 That is – Love your wife by knowing that she is a weaker vessel. The Salvation is the Gift of God 28 He who loves his wife loves his own body. Be alert and live carefully so that the lives of your Children may not be destroyed by your behavior. 29 Your children are your stre- ngth. 30 Guard your hearts from unb- elief which is originated in foolish will. 31 Resurrection of the Lord Jesus is the source of our faith. 32 Don’t walk according to the vanity of mind. Take up the truth. Abandon the old nature but put on the new nature. Decorate yo- urselves with the righteousness of Christ and sincere devotion. CHAPTER 7 FINALLY my brethren, I write this to you. That is – Labor that you may have faith which makes the impossible as possible. 2 Labor hard to love one anot- her, because everyone who has love and faith is perfect. 3 One may have faith but wit- hout love. Therefore, I plead you to have love which keeps faith. 4 Faith is first among three virtu- es.One can show deceptive love without faith. 5 Someone among you gives fal- Salvation through Born Again 13 se meanings to the explanation of Paul about love being excellent. 6 Because – he says in words that he loves but he doesn’t prove his love by deeds. 7 Love says that it loves a sinner but faith says that it does work for a sinner. 8 Make sure that your faith may not be in vain. Keep Jesus as your Lord over your faith. 9The blood, which He shed, was the first reason for our faith. The- refore, I believe as a first to be important and I speak to you. 10God did not grant us the unbe- lieving spirit but the believing spirit. So we walk not by sight but by faith. 11 II Many, who are believers by now, participates with the unbe- lievers and idol worshippers. 12 Oh fathers and elders who claim yourselves boastfully as Christians, you speak great things by giving your children to idol worshippers and unbelievers, but you are not living a life according to the word of God. 13 I write it that you may feel ash- amed. Many are like the worms towards their children and drink their blood. The Salvation is the Gift of God 14Everyone who claims himself as Christian should make sure that he may be improved in faith, teaching, knowledge,love, hope and all kinds of Spirit works (the fruit of the Spirit). 15 Again I say to you – it is by faith and being born again in Christ that sinners are justified as righteous. Therefore the righ- teousness that comes by works is worse than dirty cloth. 16 I write to you that you should live by faith in the Son of God. 17 You receive the Spirit by hea- ring with faith. The deed has meaning (successful). 18 The sinners are justified as righteous by faith and they are called for blessing like Abraham. 19 The law is not of faith and hope. Therefore Christ became the Lord and Savior of everyo- ne who believes in faith. 20 All, those who are born ag- ain by Christ, are the children of God by faith. All such men wait for the fulfillment of hope according to the righteousness. 21 Resurrection of the Lord Jesus is the source of our faith. 22 Love wishes the best. In the same way, faith also will not be