The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 497

Salvation through Born Again naum centurion who was com- mended by the Lord. 14 Is faith not the medicine for curse? Is the healing not by faith? Instead of living healthy by faith in Christ, many are following the preachers of devil. 15 They are saying and following the evil spirits by running after miracles and signs. Those who perish are unable to focus on the word of truth. 16 They believe in the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives and leads to destr- uction. 17 Therefore let no one be such among you. Examine and know whether such deeds are of the Lord or not. 18 If anyone preaches the apo- stles doctrine which helps for new birth and the scriptural gosp- el, then realize that such one is of the Lord.That is the preaching of born again for heavenly king- dom of living and loving, glorious God. 19 If anyone performs miracles and wonders in the name of the Lord, I, the disciple of Christ, 8 The Salvation is the Gift of God write to you not to focus on his preaching’s because of he didn’t preach about the apostles’ do- ctrine. 20 Though one may perform miracles, but if he is not in order, which the Holy Spirit revealed through Luke, he would be tak- en to the judgment on that day. You also would be taken to the judgment, thats why I am inter- ceding with laden for you regu- larly. 21I tell you that let no one be as a man of little faith and fear the waves and roars. 22 Your faith should be as model to many so that the Lord may forgive and save many. It should Lead the sinners to the word of the Lord and show the way of new birth to them. 23 The unbelief disturbs the work of the Lord. Let none of you be as an unbeliever. 24 Faith stirs us to pray. There- fore I wish that each one should be as a prayer warrior like Elij- ah and build God’s kingdom. That is my burden and desire. 25Nothing is impossible for fai- th. I stir you up that no man or no deed can stop or against Salvation through Born Again you so that others may realize that you are all the children of God. Do the greater and mighty things for God. 26 The obstacles to your faith will be thrown into Hades in its time. Faith expels the doubts. 27 A man thinks that God would bless him and he gives many thi- ngs to God without being born again but he was not blessed, because – they are redeemed and offered the sacrifices of faith. 28 Resurrection of the Lord Jesus is the source of our faith. 29 Walk by the Spirit, desire the fruit of life. Forsake the deeds of flesh. Be the witnesses of truth like the pillars. Do good to others. Don’t be as forgetters. CHAPTER 5 MEDITATE about Abraham who is known as the father of bel- ievers in this regard. Allegory He gave Isaac as a sacrifice and was blessed greatly. 2 The faith is glorious and will be brightened in eternity. It will be matured with the fruit of deeds. 3 Let each one among you should pray and intercede for the incre- ase of faith. Faith is acceptable. For this reason, we are accepted 9 The Salvation is the Gift of God as the children of God through being born again by faith. 4 Faith brightens the glory of God. The faith, which is born through new birth, makes us as heirs of the eternal life and grants it as an inheritance to us. 5 It is the living faith which str- ikes off the judgment. Hearing testimony creates belief and the belief is the way to faith. 6 The belief is internal but faith is related to the outward deeds. It is by believing in Jesus that the hunger and thirst of our soul is satisfied, faith works to be first in holiness. 7 The living river becomes the treasure by faith. 8 II My beloved, you received the Spirit of God by being born again. It is not of works. 9 Faith redeems us from sin. The Lord is our faith. He is the author and finisher of our faith. 10 The faith is reason for unity but love fulfills it. 11The reason for one mind, one heart and one spirit is faith. The- refore each one among us sho- uld be filled with the Holy Spirit so that we may serve the Lord with much care.