The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 495

Salvation through Born Again that you are the remnant of faith. 13 Love our Lord. Then you will be saved by the fruit of faith wh- ich is bore by the Holy Spirit. Fruit of the spirit is love. 14Understand that faith is a mother of victory. Examine your- self whether you are in faith or not. 15 In these last seconds, there are many preachers who have worldly knowledge and preach the word loudly but live the apos- tate life. They preach that God blesses them; therefore people should bring their offerings lav- ishly. 16 But the Lord is able to hand over to fire such people who pl- under the money from people like the leaches which drink the blood. Therefore do not be dec- eived. 17 If anyone is not born again and preaches that salvation is by works while focusing on the scr- iptural gospel, 18 Then you should know that such one has not put his faith in the Son of God and the eternal life which God gives freely. 19 If anyone says that I am the child of God and a Christian wit- 4 The Salvation is the Gift of God hout being born again and not forgiven by the Lord of sinful life, 20 And if he is disobedient to the word, such one will not enter the eternal kingdom of God but will be plucked away like the weed. 21 The apostate will be collaps- ed by the evil desire. The sincere will wear on the righteousness of Christ. 22 Resurrection of the Lord Jesus is the source of our faith. 23 Be strong in the word and unshaken. Be zealous for the ex- pansion of the kingdom of God. Overcome the world. Expel the (blindness) dullness. CHAPTER 3 THE apostates are captivated by sin and collapsed to be puni- shed. Their way will lead them to death. 2 The hindrances will be remo- ved and the way to victory is cle- ared by the words of faith. The words of apostate are the reas- ons for loss. 3 Flee away from the prostitu- tion. Every man, every woman, every young man among you should be a saint but not as adul- terous.This is God’s will for you. Salvation through Born Again The lawlessness is a reason for lack of faith. 4 In the past, you lived in the deeds of darkness (before being born again) and made your bed impure, but the blood of Christ, the Son of God, cleansed your consciences from impure hearts. Therefore live with understan- ding. 5 If anyone is like that among you, I warn him that he should repent of his sins. 6 The Lord is the stronghold in sufferings.You are tested by many trials. Therefore be mindful of one another and bear each oth- er’s burdens with Christ mind like the Macedonia saints. 7 You, who say that you are the children of Living God, should think as one family so that you may glorify the name of God. 8 I write and plead you that if a man among you takes refuge in the apostates, then you shouldn’t become like the leg without bone and useless tooth. 9 Because it is said in this matter that, he who waters will be wate- red. 10 I command each one among you that you should rely upon the 5 The Salvation is the Gift of God word of the Lord. Don’t you know that he who trusts in the Lord will not be troubled? 11 II You knows regarding the apostate sisters the prophet Jer- emiah spoken of. They stopped following the Lord whole hear- tedly but followed him with hypocrisy. 12 If anyone became an apo- state, the Lord would do the su- rgery to him with His double edged sword like the surgery tool in operation theatre in Ed- en. He would increase his faith. Therefore such one should me- ditate the word of God day and night. 13 Find out those who live by faith among you. Keep such on- es as the model. Remove your eyes from the physical propert- ies and money which destroys your faith. 14 Everyone should know that they should focus on the enth- roned Lord and His voice. The Lord is interceding for us at the right hand of the Father. 15 A man was asking me that ‘why should the false preachers prosper in their false prea- ching’s, and great apostates