The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 479

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 678 made them hating each other and making quarrels among them. 6 Yet some more days passed and Hawk driving Horse who pr- ovoked by the words of the killer went further, killed the shepherd of Guva and Bairian and ran away. 7 Guva and Bairian came to know this, about the fact that th- eir shepherd was killed. They are sad at this and they are also very angry at this. They went to the nest of Hawk driving Horse and make round, going to kill all the young chicks of that Hawk. 8 The Hawk driving Horse came to know about the danger com- ing from Guva and Bairian. He did no delay, ran to his friend red stripes bird and told him about the danger he is going to face and requested him to help him. 9 He understood the necessity of his friend and said that let us go to our friends cock, Two hea- ded eagle and little Hawk and request them to help us. Thus the red striped bird took the Hawk driving Horse to his friends. 10 Then those friendly five birds sat in leisure and discussed on the issue and supported each The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD other. They became united to save the Hawk driving Horse and were ready to pick quarrel and fight with Guva and Bairian. They got ready with different types of weapons they have with them at the places of tombs, re- membering of sign and place of independence. 11 Guva and Bairian also came to know about this and they went to Golden eagle and said that we are good and so closely friends for a long time, we are facing this great danger and in this situation, we have to kill our enemies to protect ourselves, if not we will face danger to our nests and our chicks. 12 That bird accepted this pro- posal and he was ready to quar- rel with the enemy birds. The alien birds understood that the army of these three (enemy) bir- ds is very strong, so they sent a message to other birds that they kindly come to help and fight on their behalf. 13 When the other birds came to know about their problem, th- ree of four parts of the birds in the island were ready to fight, thus the birds in the island are Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 679 divided in two halves. 14 The blue sparrow also came forward and joined the group of three birds to support them. The other alien(friendly) birds came as a group in the island and stood united to fight. But the Bald (wh- ite) head Eagle and peacock like bird are very important in the all- ian birds group. 15 All the birds are quarrelling while Golden eagle, blue spar- row Guva and Bairian are fight- ing with full strength. At that time, the struggles are there in the home of Two headed eagle, he left the fighting place of these birds and went home to set right his home and his chicks. 16 The fight was going tough and the Bald head bird, peacock like bird and their friendly birds in the friendly birds group fought with great skills and defeated the four birds. This quarrel (war) contin- ued for more than four years and millions of birds and their chicks are killed in this quarrel. This is- land (got) a great loss and troub- les by this fighting. 17 Not only this, the golden eagle is stamped as the main reason for the loss and troubles in the fight- The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD ing and he has been levied the burden of war. All the birds met and took an oath that a quarrel like this should not happen in the island in feature, they have orga- nized “the differ bird’s orga- nization” and all the birds ac- cepted to accept the directions of that organization and all the birds went to their homes. But the birds did a mistake that - they didn’t invite the Two headed Eagle in that organisation. 18 But in this quarrel (war), the empire of Guva, Bairians, Two headed Eagle, Golden eagle and Otto were vanished. Parable Of World War - II 19 As the time is passing, after 21 seconds, the Golden Eagle expressed rage on the name of nationality, ruling expansion, se- cret meetings, army strength and extreme arrogance, started beating Alsace Lorraine with the beak and legs, fought and de- feated its shepherd bird and captured his home. 20 Yet, with the ruling desire, the Golden Eagle thought to rule the whole island and desired with bad intention to play upon the stars and murdering many