The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 468

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 656 God. So, you have to labor to make reconcile the people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. 14 You will receive suitable gifts in the heaven, whatever work will be done for Christ sake in this world. 15 Protect them who are get- ting ready to be destroyed. Re- lease them who are caught for the death. Avoiding strife brings a man honor. 16 Proclaim the, scriptural gos- pel of God, the consuming fire along with your brothers. Who is great? I, am God only is great, none else. Which country is gre- at? No country is great, because – every country is caught in the sins and cursed with the sins and getting and groaning. Whichever country you see, sins are burn- ing the countries. Countries (peo- ple) are getting destroyed by the sins. 17 But in this context – when lord is coming, whoever is alert and serving food to His servants in right time, only that man will be great in the view of lord. 18 You have to get shined whole country with the announcement of Scriptural gospel. Give com- The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD plete freedom and permission for the proclamation of the gos- pel. Pluck and remove the wro- ng preaching’s from the coun- try. Apostles’ doctrine is the only true preaching. The preaching of gospel as and New Birth as per the Scriptures – the preaching of Apostles’ has been vanished in the country. The preachers are boasting that we are Orthodox, but no one is among them who are excused by the lord. So you have to wake up like the war- rior. 19 God, the consuming fire is also blessing your country. You have to pluck the evil. Do the good for your brother’s descen- dent of Shem. Whoever will help the progeny of Abraham, they will be definitely blessed by Me, God, the consuming fire. 20 It was written that - For they all seek their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ. 21 Get ready (waist) to do the work for Jesus. Get ready to sp- read the gospel on behalf of Jesus Christ as per the scriptures so that you will be made great with permanent honor by Me, God, the consuming fire. Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 657 22 I was with Japheth, so what- ever he did, it was successful. I was with you, so whatever you did, it was successful. Yet you did not know Me. Behold I, I am, God, yes, it’s Me revealing you. 23 I am God, doing good every time to you in whatever troubles and losses you faced, whatever pains and bad you had. 24 When you cut the tree, you have a hope that a new sapling will grow on the dead trunk. Make it as a law to get the gos- pel of Apostles spread in the cou- ntry. It will do great good to ev- eryone in your country. 25 But whatever is written in the books of Prophets, that means when the rule of Lord of thou- sand years - 26 the Gog and Magog will be thrown away into the perpetual judgment along with Satan. 27 But As per the perpetual will of Me, God, the consuming fire, whatever to do My hand and My plan had predestined to take place, I will get everything done as I wish. 28 All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, and I do according to My will among The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth. 29 All My works are true and all My ways are straight. The wise will know and understand in these days. So get the prea- chers ready to announce God’s gospel and New Birth as per scriptures. 30 I am God, the consuming fire and I am alerting you through My servant to make the coun- try ready for My visit. 31 You are honor in My view, so I am entrusting this great re- sponsibility to you. 32-33 You should not forget this thing any time.That is scriptural gospel, scriptural Born Again, Repentance according to Word. The scriptural gospel is - Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. Definition about the Scriptural Born Again - salva- tion to people in the forgiveness of their sins by Jesus or lawless deeds are forgiven by Lord Jesus. 34 Repentance according to the Word of God - leaving the dead