The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 466

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 652 Roof). 'Hiding Deep' (Arpach- shad), Black (Cush), Measure and Roof (Madai and Magog) are similes to those races origi- nal ancestors. 8 With the grace of the king means – with the grace of the God, the lion cubs are spread means – the children of them are grown up and spreading like the lions with great strength and br- ave, 9 'Hiding Deep' is blessed by God like the stars in the sky means – blessing the Shem dy- nasty people as per the prom- ise. The king who blessed the race of 'Hiding Deep' means – the living God who blessed the Shem dynasty. 10 Blessed the 'Measure' means – Blessing Madai. Become fruit- ful, multiply, spread, and take the land in full length means – rule many more people (races) spre- ading your empire. 11-12 'Measure' means – the British Empire (Empire of En- gland), subdue, the races and earth means – win over the new lands of new countries and rul- ing those races. Going and com- ing into many races caves means The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD – winning many countries and spreading around in good ex- tent. His bro-ther lion ‘Roof’ also started spr-eading well with the grace of the king means – the people of Russia called people of Rosh also spreading and getting strong with the grace of God. 13 Days passing means – while the years are passing, before many hundred years means – in the times of the Old Testament. The children of the lion 'Hiding Deep' revolted against him and against his words (Word of God) by hoisting the flag of re- volt means – Israelites descen- dants of Shem dynasty revolt- ing on God and his word, not accepting divine discipline. 14 King – God, expelled him and his children from their cave of happiness and they are spr- ead around on the earth in search of food means – expelling them from the country of happiness (Israel) given to them by God and make them dissipated aro- und in other countries. 15 Yet days are passing - Years passing as per the will of God, from the children of 'Measure'- Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 653 a separate cub was selected, named ‘giving judgment’ means – Some holy people were sepa- rated from England. 16 He arranged a special cave and special food for him means – arranging a special country for them and giving them the revela- tion of God’s words to them. 17 That lion is more powerful than the ancestor lion 'Measure' means – that country is more powerful than England, learned to runs fast and faster means – that country is getting well devel- oped in all means. 18 'Measure' and 'Roof' live to- gether by helping each other me- ans – The English people of En- gland and Rosh people of Rus- sia are helping each other. 19 As per the will of the living God, the king glorious again me- ans - as per unchanged will of on- ly God, sent a call to bring back 'Hiding Deep' and his children from the end of the earth means – God bring back all the Israel- ites to get gathered together as per the Scriptures. 20 While 'Hiding Deep' and his children are getting the call of the king glorious means – the Israel- The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD ites are coming to know the ful- fillment of the scriptures, enter in to the cave or promised com- ing from uno the end of earth means - God's people who are the Israelites scattered unto the end of the earth coming back to enter into their promised land of Israel country. 21 ‘I will bless those who bless you’ has been observed by the lion 'Giving Judgment' means – The people of America under- stood the promise made in the Testament made by God to Abraham that I will bless who will bless you and I will curse who will curse you. 22-25 He met them and invited them with great wonder and happiness. He arranged food, Grape Cakes, Figs and Bre- ads along with drinks, grape juice and asked their well being means - Americans took care of Israelites who returned to their own country from the ends of the earth as per the promise made by God to Abraham. 26 Before some days are pass- ing means - Before the people of God and Abraham’s progeny (off springs) got their country in-