The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 463

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 646 Born Again and not accepting the gospel, not taking the New Birth; they are going for the perpetual destruction. 42 So you have to completely abandon (leave) the lifeless ac- tivities (dead works) like that, do not accept them into you and completely abandoning them, like the newly born infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into sal- vation”– this is the Word of God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 227 Picnic to Hell THE Word of God, the con- suming fire came to me one evening and said like this - “see, some people are giving speeches as a picnic to hell, 2 he is not understanding what things will be happening in the hell with help of the Word of God; he is saying about that like making the basket he is telling some story of myth, 3 he says that there will be drums and bottles in the hell and there will be acids in them and the pe- ople in the hell will be tied hang- ing and they will be punished there with the whips, The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 4 and he is giving speeches bas- ed on guessed and fabricated stories. ‘So I am God, the con- suming fire and I am saying abo- ut such people like this - 5 ‘I am God, the consuming fire and, am telling about the teach- ings of some people with the words, picnic to hell, - ‘O prea- chers teaching against the Word of God, 6 are there drums and bottles in the hell?? It was written in the word that - ‘the hell is the lake of fire if sulfur, why the sentence is being wrongly interpreted you? 7 You are the children of the wic- ked and your father is satan, he is the teacher of the wrong in- terpretation of the word, like your teachings you teach; you will be caught hold and thrown in the lake of sulfur, 8 you will have the real experi- ence of the hell, you have to take the New Birth if not how can you to escape from this punish- ment of perpetual judgment” - this is the Word of God, the con- suming fire Wrong Preachings 9 II Yet God, the consuming fire Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 647 is saying like this – “Behold, the Jesus is calling you, God is call- ing you, 10 making the some black magic, calling with names, applying some outer layer of attraction and not caring the spirit, o the wicked teacher of the sons of the satan. 11 Your father is doing the chea- tings, you are earning money in the name of God and having the comforts more than the God; so get ready, 12 get ready for the lake of unqu- enched fire of sulfur forever and ever” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire 13 II O sons of satan, preaching that - “if you bring the Gold teeth or Gold ornaments as the gift to God, your wishes will be fruitful, 14 whatever you wish it will be fruitful, your wishes will be ful- filled. You are teaching these things with the greed for money, applying the honey to your wor- ds! How you will be escaped from the lake of the unquenched fire of sulfur forever and ever? 15 Get ready, you have to get tortured along with your father in the lake of fire of sulfur forever and ever” – this is the Word of The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 228 The World Christian Unchangeable Fundamental Doctrines GOD, the consuming fire says like this - these are the unchang- eable fundamental Christian doc- trines of the world. Those who called children of God they must obey follow and keep it. Those who not obey or keep them shall be thrown into the eternal fire of brimstone forever and ever. Th- ey are - 1 The worship of only true God: I am only God. I am the God, who is the consuming fire. I am the Creator, wise and Almighty. I am not change. I cre- ated the finiteness (elements) from the eternity and it’s every- thing in that (and visible - invis- ible creation) according to My will. Therefore, I am alone wor- thy to worship. 2 The Trinity of only true God: Trinity is God’s (My) rev- elation. I am doing in three an- gels at a time in two places. Trin- ity is a given relations for men to experience about the work of God at different times in history.