The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 462

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 644 the consuming fire Lifeless Activities in Church 18 II God, the consuming fire is saying to His church like this – “O church, I am the living God and telling you this, 19 that is – ‘this command is giv- ing to you that you have to stop following the lent days strictly; like gentiles and come to all truth – 20 But someone stands up and asks, if someone in our home or in our family dies, all of the fam- ily will follow the fast, isn’t it? 21 So we are thinking Jesus as one in our home (our family) and so we are doing fast on these days, he says. 22 You have to know that to him, one who says like that, the po- wer of gospel is not known even a little. 23 Because – ‘he is thinking about one who won the death and who became conqueror and saviour that means, one who was over the death and He is the first fruit and more powerful, 24 he is not accepting the great success of the cross what He made just for His children; he is yet thinking that the lord is dead and He is one with all those who The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD are dead. 25 He who thinking like that and all others who are doing with their foolishness so are search- ing Him in the dead. In the con- text of these people, as the God has made His angels say like this – “why you are searching the live one (who won the death) in the dead ones, and like this, and as the dead will search the dead in the dead; the dead make the dead buried, you have to search the kingdom of God. It does ful- fill, they behave with foolish. 26 As it is written the word of God is – ‘why do you seek the living among the dead? He has risen, you have to remember this, 27 with the word of God, ming- led with the word that gives His success to you, in the desert ca- lled the jungle, drinking the wa- ter of life, to live doing as per that, 28 you have to abandon the le- nt? God, the consuming fire is saying”– this is the Word of God, the consuming fire 29 II God, the consuming fire is yet saying to His church like this – “O church, someone says, we Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 645 wish to be the partners in the per- secutions of that Jesus has had, 30 because – ‘Lord has said that everyone should take up cross and follow Me, so 31 the cross is similar to the per- secutions and sufferings, says someone and one woman. 32 I am telling you this thing so that such people understand this. People pleading like that do not know the word of God, so they are mistaking. They are thinking about the matters of God like thi- ngs of human beings. It is why, it has been written and fulfill their sake – “You are not setting your mind on the things of God; but on the things of man. 33 Such people have the things of men, have the faces of the sad and weeping; live like the others in the world, they are confessing and doing the sins again and again, 34 – ‘but it has happened to them according to the true proverb: A dog return to his own vomit, and the sow, after washing herself, re- turns to wallow in the mire so, 35 they are not getting the foun- dation well built on the rock by taking the New Birth, they are like the house built on the sand”. The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 36 “They are becoming sad by saying that we want to become the partners of His persecutions and troubles of the Lord, they are showing pity on the Lord, thinking about Lord like that of a man, without understanding (shame). 37-38 Is the Lord like all of us? They do not know the word that - Lord is not like men, beings and getting down of perpetual destruction. They do not know what it is written – “do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children”. 39 They are doing again and again the same sins, iniquities, they with the husbands; wives and children not taking the New Birth, in the cover of veil of the religion; getting down and go- ing to the perpetual judgment. 40 They are getting perfect in action and holding the shapes of the cross with coming into the streets and falling down and getting up; bearing the cross on shoulders, they are acting like the Lord. 41 They do not know the pow- er of the cross, not knowing the definition about gospel and