The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 459

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 638 permission to the liquor shops and encouraging them and mak- ing them poor and poor, wret- ched. Whatever is such govern- ment, 65 giving permission to many sins in the name of the democracy and encouraging the sins; what- ever is such government and wh- erever it is in any country, 66 put your foot on such gov- ernment, suppress it, to save the life’s of the people and to remove the sorrows and tears of the pe- ople, 67 beat up your thighs quickly; show your jealous and correct the countries. 68 “Whatever transfiguration you are expecting, have them qui- ckly, suppress obscenity, disor- der, lack of discipline, all types of sinful activities, 69 every anti divine activities which the human beings call as the culture and tradition and re- ligion, what type of the activity it may be, suppress with your iron (steal) heavy legs and 70 get improved your strength, make the human lives meaning- ful, that means, so ideal that God, the consuming fire and the entire The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD heaven, 71 show the pleasure seeing you, the constitutions in every country should wake up imme- diately. 72 ‘God, the consuming fire is whistling and supporting you standing from His throne in the heaven, so 73 ‘God, Himself is giving you enough strength and encourag- ing you to suppress now, put- ting your heavy legs on the heads of the activities of the corrup- tion; anti divine and activities in darkness kingdom and dark constitutions” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 225 About Democracy YET God, the consuming fire is saying like this – “one who multiplied the human races and giving the resources to fulfill tho- se needs as per the needs of ea- ch person, He is, God, the con- suming fire, He is telling about the systems in each country like this, 2 God, the consuming fire is tell- ing about the democracy like this – “someone from you who stan- ds up and pleads about the de- Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 639 mocracy like this – 3 ‘the democracy is great, be- cause - it supports people in their need and helps the people in the dangers, he says like that. 4 Someone else is saying that, th- at is not right, socialism is great. One more says that secularism is great. 5 So, what God, the consuming fire is saying about these things is – ‘God, the consuming fire is say- ing like this in the context that the democracy is great – 6 “giving the food full of the belly who is hungry; giving the cloth for covering the body from the cold, helping to build the house for the shelter to body from the heat of sun and the rain, 7 making the strength of hands useful; not participating in the anti divine and sinful activities like drinking, prostitution, adultery, glutton, envy, arrogant, desires of pride, acts of murders, dishon- ors and scolding the country aga- inst activities of women and girls, slanders and many more unwise and foolish activities of the dark- ness, 8 if it like to make the democ- racy without the above said ac- The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD tivities; then the democracy is right and great, says God, the consuming fire”. 9 “If not like that, if the above said are happening to the people by democracy; if encourage the activities against the divinity, such type of democracies and secular systems will be de- stroyed completely, 10 the almighty God is com- manding that the Holyism sho- uld be flourished. About Socialism 11 like that, the God is saying to him who said socialism is great like this - 12 “giving the food full of the belly who is hungry; giving the cloth for covering the body from the cold, helping to build the ho- use for the shelter to body from the heat of sun and the rain, 13 making the strength of hands useful; not participating in the anti divine and sinful activities like drinking, prostitution, adul- tery, glutton, envy, arrogant, de- sires of pride, acts of murders, dishonors and scolding to God, slanders and many more unwise and foolish activities of the dark- ness,