The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 453

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 626 ness run away, so order the cops to use the cane to mend the people revolting on the righteous- ness and people of the corrup- tion (those who ask the bribes)”. 7 Release the innocent people from the jails, the rich people are doing the crimes and buying the poor people and sending into jails. 8 You should not forget that for all judgments based on the in- justice, God has decided a day to give final judgment; so give yo- ur judgments to those who did crime or wrong doings, they sho- uld be punished in public in be- tween the people. 9 You have to give the judgments in way that the people should know the value of throne of the Judge. For those who are do- ing the murders; for any men who do the crimes like rapes, 10 if any woman does the rape to any man; to such crimes the punishment of hanging should be given. 11 Because – “now there is no fear towards the sins and crimes in the people. The sin has be- come a part of people and it is ruling the people now, so you The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD have to wake up. 12 If everyone understands the scriptural gospel of the cross of Jesus and receive it, takes a new birth and if repentance to such people in the case of hanging; as per the will of God and His Almighty power, anything should be done. 13 So many innocent people, not opposing the government or the constitution, getting kept in the jails; so they should be relea- sed immediately. 14 You have to do your duties so that everyone in every coun- try should respect the constitu- tions and courts of that country. 15 People has become a habit to give false witness for the sake of money, so you have to wake up. For the courts of justice, no one is to be eliminated or no one is to be praised”. 16 Every one in the court of jus- tice, that is, the lawyer pleading for the justice, the justice, cul- prits and innocent, all are equal before the justice. 17 You have to teach the good teachings to the sinners that they should hate the works of the dar- kness (sins); you have to give Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 627 judgments, not based on the thi- ngs you see outside, but based on the truth you find out to do justice. 18 O lawyers and Judges how good it will be if you too are not doing sins, not doing iniquities and not being involved in the cor- ruption! God, the consuming fire is saying this - “then, will He not happy about you? He will be happy definitely. 19 Do not grieve the spirit of God with your judgments of in- justice, you have to give your judgments that people should believe that the truth will be ava- ilable in the courts. 20 One who wants that the jus- tice he comes for you? God is also looking for the truth in the courts of justice. He desires that you will understand the truth and you will be independent with that” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 222 Revive America GOD, the consuming fire is yet saying like this about America – “if you obey the Word of God, the consuming fire, I will give wealth and inheritances, I will The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD give your previous position and I will save you wherever you go, 2 whatever earning sources you have, I will protect them. You have to separate My servants who are doing the service of God truly and you have to honor them. 3 They will do the supplications for the country, they are rela- tion with My word (The Bible), 4 they must proclaim everyday the scriptural gospel and new life according to the scriptures, 5 the government should take care that at least one in every house in the country is newly born”. 6 “You must remember how God has made you developed and you have to live remember- ing your previous position. 7 You have to remember that how the holiness has helped you for your excellent development and you have to strive for that. 8 The principles of God means “Unchangeable Christian Doc- trines of the World” should be announced by the media of pu- blicity. The reason for the spiri- tual poverty and spiritual dra- ught is nothing but not following