The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 441

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 602 yet saying about America like this – “O Newly Born holy people in America! One who has built all the elements and make each of those five elements run in their spheres. 35 God, the consuming fire who has brought the Japheth generati- ons flourished is telling all of you like this – 36 “O saints are your prayers do not have sufficient power? Don’t you get answers for your prayers? You know, I am God of all, Prince of peace and am I not giving answers to your pray- ers? 37 Assuredly, I am giving ans- wers to you, is not it right? So go on supplications with crying, the sins are increased in the cou- ntry. So burn the sins as you can burn the dry hay by your suppli- cations. 38 Just because of you the cou- ntry is prosperous and healthy. When there are at least ten righ- teous people, are in the country, the country will be green and flo- urishing. Didn’t you know? 39 You have to fight, resist, res- ists the designs of the satan, revolt to bury the sins and build pin- The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD nacle for the holy things, attack and revolt with full force”. 40 “The whole country should be ready for the great spiritual revolution; wrong teachings sh- ould be making destroy and the apostle’s doctrine should be giv- en full support. 41 Omnipotent God will help you, so get the great strength. From children to adults and old aged people, all should strive hard for the holiness. Stop telling myth and by following the standards of Word of God, you must be ready to live with jeal- ous. 42-43 ‘O My people, what happened to your knowledge? Why you do not have the know- ledge of the word? Why the ot- hers are not saying that you are wise and persons with knowl- edge? Your wisdom has become utter foolishness by the sins and there are no rains of the blessings in the country by the curses. 44 Why the blessings have be- come the curses to you? Lord has said that – for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions, is this not true in your case? Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 603 45 At now stop your sins and turn towards the Holy God, and then He will turn towards you, says God, the consuming fire” – this is the Word of God, the consu- ming fire CHAPTER 213 God’s Call To Judges GOD, the consuming fire is yet saying to the judges like this – “O judges; you have to ask God, the consuming fire for suit- able knowledge to finish your duties perfectly. 2 You have to pray to God to give you the power, so that you can give your judgments to the peo- ple appropriately. God will give you from the sky His spirit of the knowledge for the judgment to you. 3 For the people, you have to give the right and appropriate jud- gments of true justice. If you seek for Him; He will surely appear be- fore you. 4 You have to decide for them the righteousness for the righ- teous people. Your hearts should be established filled with the inte- grity. You have to live with the hearts of integrity as the honest people. The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 5 God is observing closely how you behave in the courts. If you give your judgments with full heart according to the truthfully, He will bless your children”. 6 “God, the consuming fire will show His mercy upon you. Then His mercy and truth will be with you. 7 Those take the bribes and turn the justice will face the pun- ishment of getting thrown in to the perpetual consuming fire. 8 The suppressed are taking the support of the courts for the jus- tice. So you should be like som- eone to them who will call and give cold buttermilk to them who will come in burning sun. 9 Every employee, pleaders and the judges in the courts of justice have to stand before God, the consuming fire for the judgment on that day. 10 Those who are escaped in the courts and doing the activ- ities of the injustice, and disho- nesty, murders and move by es- caping from the punishments with the help of the false witne- sses, they will be punished by the judgment of God and the ti- me of that eternal judgment fr-