The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 432

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 584 48 “Any type of the deeds that are against the commands of God should not happen in you and if happens; that be burnt im- mediately. 49 The officers, the leaders, gov- ernment employees, the men and the women, the children – “all will live and filled the life of the Word of God! 50 You may have whatever needs; all of them will be resolved from the living Word of God! 51 All the depths in your trea- sures will be filled with the wea- lths of the Word of God! 52 Everyone in the family will study the Word of God on kneel and meditate and keep it! 53 The children read the Word of God and by heart them and live as per those teaching! 54 From which ever position you have fallen down, you will rise to a better (more high) position than that!” 55 Let there be the spiritual revival of God more than the Nineveh in you! All your store places, products of the land and the weapons and armaments of the army; and all defense wea- pons – let all those will be ble- The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD ssed! 56 You will bury the sins and co- nstruct the shield for the holi- ness! 57 The servants who will serve the life with the truth will come out from you. 58 God, the consuming fire and His servant are blessing you so that the changes like this will happen in you” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 209 YET God, the consuming fire is telling you like this – “the offerings given to God by your people are leavened and against God. 2 The good people in you are concentrating on good things and bad people are putting their att- ention on bad things. But the bad people are completely left and forgot the good things. 3 The governments are putting the weight fully on the poor people and left the rich free from any burden. 4 The government left the poor people. The governments collect less on the rich people and on the wide ranges of things they use and collecting more on the Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 585 things used by the poor. 5 One rich man is equal to hun- dred poor men; is it not correct? But the weight is not put on the rich people and it is put on the poor people who are exper- iencing the life itself is heavy to bear. So the real weight should be put on the rich and strength be given to the poor by lessening their weight. 6 What is wrong if the taxes are paid to the government by the rich people? By doing so, the rich men will be indirectly supporting the government or giving the strength to the government, is not this right? Rich people are not paying taxes to government and hiding their money as a black money in their secret places”. 7 The life of the people is supp- ressed by the cares of the world and by the rich deceitfulness of riches. So those people who can redeem them from those atro- cities by proclaiming to you with the Word of God and strong scr- iptural gospel for the New Birth proclaiming preacher is wanted to you. 8 The people are taking the money they have saved from the The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD banks whenever they want and by spending that freely, they have become the paupers. 9 They should be learning the knowledge so that they have to stop wasting their money on waste expenditures and they should save and safeguard their riches”. 10 “The people are beaten by the desires of the eyes to have whatever and everything they see in the market, in this matter every household owner should think and act as a wise. 11 If you hear at least now the Word of God, the consuming fire and behave well being cont- rolled by Him, from the mouth of the satan who have looted all your spiritual riches, 12 all that riches of Word (that means Word) will come out, God, the consuming fire will ma- ke the satan to vomit all your word of wealth and word of ric- hes that he has looted from you. 13 As someone eats food that he dislikes and as it is not dige- sted in his stomach as he vomits all that he ate, 14 just like that God will make vomit all your word of wealth