The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 431

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 582 27 II God, the consuming fire is yet saying like this – “you have great wisdom and no secret is hidden for you to wisdom, 28 by your understanding you have made wealth for yourself; by your great wisdom in your trade you have increased your wealth; you are deceived by your wealth, your heart has become proud and you have opened the doors for the sins. 29 So many people were happy with the unlimited things you have produced and with your trade norms. But now you have not manna and spiritual hungry and near (going) to die with crying, but no one has come forward to help you now spiritually”. 30 “The people are accustomed to the luxuries than God and they are unable to understand what is holy and what is unholy; they are unable to know which is against the commands of God and which is not; they are treating everyth- ing as the same. 31 We are rich, so we can do whatever we like and there are none who are against us – this is what everyone is thinking and they are doing the sins more than The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD that of Sodom Gomorrah. 32 You have left God and His Word who has given you abu- ndant all the riches and wealth. So God is going to take back everything that He gave you. 33 By doing the prostitution and undo things with men with men and women with women and drinking wine; they lost their right thinking and moving here and there with doing sins”. 34 They lost shame and shyness and they are doing abashed thin- gs and their sins are many and lost the order. So the spiritual blessings of God also lost their order. 35 The leaders, the officers, the wise and the foolish; everyone is defeated by the strength of the prostitution and wine. 36 Everybody is doing hard work, but he is unable to get the fruits for his work. Though the plans are being made, but they are not successful. 37 The preachers of the word of God are boasters, faithless and insidious by rejecting the law of God and preaching as per th- eir hearts. 38 You have to bury the sins and Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 583 keep the holiness sit on the pinnacle. If the holiness is your refuse and strong hold, you will be blessed” - says God, the con- suming fire 39 II Yet God, the consuming fire is telling you like this, that is – “saying the change and change, the leaders are infusing in you something like that. 40 What is the change? Encour- aging the sins, is it to be called as the change? The leaders are una- ble to know what is really to be called as Holyness and making the weaknesses of the people as advantage and saying something as the change. 41 But encouraging the sins; giv- ing the green signal to the lust of the people, encouraging drinking the wine and liquor and misle- ading the youth; is it to be called as the change? Encouraging undo things men committing shameless acts with men, women comm- itting shameless acts with women, Is it a change? 42 Alas! America! Alas! Alas! Alas! Why this wretched situation had happened?” 43 “You are hoping that the change should come in you, is it The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD not right? So God, the consu- ming fire and His servant bless you; that is, God, the consuming fire from His throne in the heaven stands up and raising two hands on you and blessing you like this - 44 God, the consuming fire and His servant is blessing America like this and to bring spiritual change in the country; He is co- mmanding the people there like this – “O America, great spiritual changes will happen in you! From your birth till now; those changes that did not happen till now in you, those changes will happen in you hereafter. The people who have New Birth will be there in you in every home! 45 With the holiness of God, the consuming fire, you will be co- mpletely changed. 46 You will be Holy without the traces of the prostitution and ad- ultery and you will live like very Holy and lovely one to God! 47 You will not be drenched with wine (liquor) and you will live with the peace of the lord Christ Jesus. You will have the blessings of the lord Jesus in abundantly”.