The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 430

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 580 2 If you are obedient to the Word of God, the consuming fire, cou- ntries of the gentiles shall obey you. 3 If you are obedient to God’s word, they shall visit you and have the great wealth. The hands of God are filled with the bles- sings of the wealth. 4 Make the rain be on you in abundantly and He will let you know the greatness of His deeds completely. 5 You have to tell Him that - “O God, you are my inheritance, and then He will stretch out His right hand towards you. 6 Your shops are not full but see- ing sides. The treasures of wealth are half, so they are just ups and down (like cradle). 7 God, the consuming fire is co- mmanding that, whoever is anx- ious to have holiness; his house should be full of wealth and rich and there should be righteous- ness and truth. 8 God, the consuming fire is not ready to be away from His peo- ple, all of them who will not keep God as the refuse and whoever will take the money (richness) only as their stronghold, will be The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD put to troubles. 9 Stop thinking wealth only as the living source; and start thin- king that God only is your living source. Even though very small sins will put you caught by prob- lems very easily; and your inco- me is also caught by that sins. 10 The people are moving like shadows. They do not know what will happen to them after death and they are wandering. 11 The righteous have very less, but that is the better; they do not give for interest. The people take oaths and do not keep their say- ings. 12 Yet you have to turn towards God, the consuming fire at least now, you have to ask Him and have the wealth and inherit- ances” - God, the consuming fire is telling you 13 II God, the consuming fire is yet saying like this – “those who are one with the sins and who live like the fickle minded, there will be no residue or remnant in their inheritances. 14 The government funds are getting unholy”, the money of the people is looted by the sins. 15 The country is getting bro- Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 581 ken, it is dwindling like the drun- kard, it is shaking like a small hut, and its labor is heavy up. 16 Throw down the sins, throw it down, assuredly then you will have your inheritances. 17 By prostitution, all your bles- sings will fly away and by adultery all the strength of the youth will be destroyed. So these things are heavy in the country and the country is crying with pains. 18 The people of other countries are getting their sins done in you. So they are becoming the curses towards you and eating away your blessings. So wake up and be cautious in this”. 19 The towns which are like the ornaments to the country are getting beaten by the sins. The sin is being done on the floor and in the water also. 20 The sins are getting your peo- ple incomes as it is filling its belly. The wretched called the satan caught your wealth and making you spending your inheritance for the sinful deeds. 21 If you do not wake up at least now; your enemy will spoil the foundation of your country. Ene- my Satan will spoil the holiness; The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD the system of the defense and the weapons which are the foundation of your country will be destroyed by your enemy. 22 If you obey the commands of God, the consuming fire, your wealth will not be looted and you will not face any type of humiliations. 23 Nobody gentile can’t say like that - will not the country that is once so great, so wealthy and so lofty, why it has become like this?” 24 People are spending money like the water in the name of the construction of the houses and in the name of pompous things and vehicles. The employees and the government officers are spending the government money like water and wasting it. 25 Nobody is thinking the gov- ernment as his own house and all of them are thinking it as the rented house. The terrible sins done by your preachers have become the curse of you. 26 How nice it will be if som- eone who will wash your prea- chers is your President’. This is what God, the consuming fire is telling to America.