The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 427

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 574 so many people in other coun- tries are benefited by you, but you received their unholy things as your curses. Yet you are una- ble to know this thing. You thou- ght the globalization is very use- ful, but you did not know, that will turn to be a curse”. 9 “The profits of your business are not reverenced for God and it is offered to the satan. The country is full of sorrow as it is filled with the spoil. 10 The tears of the country are falling down through her cheeks and getting dried up there. 11 You are going to those people who cannot help you, but you are not going to God who is living. 12 So God made all your wealth fly away and vanish. The fear towards God will be your we- alth. 13 You are not caring making your foundations strong for the holiness, so the unholy has spre- ad all over the country”. 14 “If you turn towards the Word of God, the consuming fire and if you have bath completely in the holy water of God’s word, 15 God, the consuming fire will bless you and saying like this – The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD “O people of My inheritance, all your needs and deficits will be fulfilled by Me. 16 You are filling your bellies with the tasty and satisfactory food and wearing the precious clothes, but you have forgotten God. 17 You have written on your money that - “in God we trust,” but 18 as if you are caught with your words you have spoken, you have rejected the word of your God, 19 and you have publicly entrusted to your enemies that have been given to you by God and now you are in troubles. 20 God has made you as His inheritance, but you have left your creator and wealthy God. 21 If you turn even now towards God, the consuming fire, He will open His gates of the sky and give the precious and the best’. 22 “All the profits will be available again for you and it will be known to everyone that God, the consuming fire is in your midst and the relations with all the countries with you. 23 You will get all your shares Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 575 of possessions with the good (rich) blessings of God, the cons- uming fire. The hard working ear- nings of the people will be safe with them without any fear. 24 Because – “people are spen- ding their money for which is not bread. They are spending all their labor for which will not or cannot give the satisfaction. 25 You have to turn towards your God, the consuming fire, and then the darkness also will be like the afternoon for you. You will be strong even in the times of draught”. 26 “On the resurrection day of our saviour Christ Jesus, you are all doing undo things, so the country got the curse. You have to keep quiet on that day which is the day that God got the frag- rance and you have to think that the day of the resurrection of our lord is a great and honor day and, 27 you have to stop doing the things you like as the business activities; political activities and the travels on that particular day, and seeking your own pleasure, 28 again all your heritages and wealth will be in your treasures. You will be again as the head or The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD the leader in all the countries. 29 Your heart will be full of joy overflowing sake of the con- suming fire of God’s glory then you will proclaim the living God’s scriptural gospel again”. 30 Then all your children in the streets will be happy again and grow strong and stronger like the trees planted by streams of water. 31 The wealth comes to you running towards you and your gates will be always open. 32 Your influence will be more and you will have the double shares. The wealth overflow and reaches your homes and cr- eep on the walls and doors of your homes to reach inside that and you will flourish high and high” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire. 33 II God, the consuming fire is again saying like this – “O Am- erica, your shepherds are blind, they are all foolish and all of them are dumb dogs and they cannot bark; they are in deep sleep with snores, 34 they are seeing the false dreams and telling lies that we have visions; they are all mighty