The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 426

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 572 37 Whoever is giving judgments with corruption and whoever is taking bribes to spoil the law, all these things are writing in the book of court of God. 38 Then the lawyers, judges and employees in the courts will app- ointed to the judgment means throw into the lake of fire forever and ever. 39 Then all of them will be caught hold there, because - “He is the spirit of judgment who makes justice (ultimate judge) for all the judges here on the land sitting on the throne of judgme- nt. 40 So many are becoming sla- ves for drinking and turn the justice yet God, the consuming fire is the ultimate lawgiver and the judge for all the judges on the earth. 41 He will make all those law- yers and judges who are the cor- ruption He is going to vanish”. 42 ‘Will God see that – “Just”? This is the thinking of everyone and everyone is doing injustice, so don’t be lazy and do your dut- ies with speed till the justice is established. 43 From the day I have created The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD the human beings, ‘I am prot- ecting the justice (dharmam = justice, truth, righteous, integrity) and getting everything done according to My will”- says God, the consuming fire. 44 “The dharmum is not getting down in the hearts of the people, the truth is fallen in streets, and the obstacles are many to justice. 45 ‘Things like this are happ- ening in the courts, it is why the way of living of the people on the earth is against God, the con- suming fire. 46 So give your judgments acc- ording to the truth, don’t have the pregnancy of the injustice, give the birth to the children of justice. 47 Nobody is giving the true witness based on the righteo- usness, telling the witnesses of lies or whatever is learn to them to say as witness in the courts; they are giving the same they are asked to say. 48 There is no truth; whoever abandons the wicked, and he or she is looted and plundered without any mercy. So give the justice based on only truth and Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 573 justice”. 49 The truth and peace will be rare in the days to come. The dead will not refuse the truth, only the people to live will accept and follow the truth. 50 If you give your judgments based on the truth, people say that you are the righteous and the justice; you are the houses of ri- ghteousness and all the people will respect and honor you. 51 Follow the righteous, spe- aking as per the upright, do not accepting the bribes and not spe- aking and hearing the evil will live peacefully and highly. 52 O courts, God, the consumi- ng fire is stirring up you as per His righteousness, so wake up, and show your righteousness shine like sun very bright and do your functions - says God, the consuming fire” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 206 TO USA GOD, the consuming fire is saying like this about America and also about all other friendly countries – 2 “People are anxious and running for the money to purc- The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD hase the things that are pleasant. 3 Even the poor people also getting caught by the greed to live like the rich people. 4 As much as you are satisfied with the rich and wealth, you are getting beaten with deficits and scarcity. The reason for this is – “you have rejected God, the co- nsuming fire, and His word as unimportant. 5 You always thought that our treasures and wealth will be alw- ays abundantly, and as you go on flourishing, you go on doing the sins against the will of God or His word. 6 Everyone is taking the wealth they have earned to the foreign countries. The young men have no jobs and resultantly they are wondering in the streets without jobs. 7 The young men of other countries are working with you. Yet you cannot develop, bec- ause – “the sins are more spre- ading and higher than your duties; and your sins are diso- rderly spreading. 8 You thought you are richer and so you have imported com- modities from other countries;