The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 423

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 566 for gifts. 9 The judges are taking bribe and bribes freely and the great man utters the evil desire of his soul. Many of the people are diverting their looks towards earning pr- ofits with black money corru- ption and injustice. 10 So many are facing death as there is no manna, as there is no word; they are catching their stomach and dying with hunger. As there is no New Birth, so ma- ny people are getting down into the lake of fire as a food. 11 They are drinking wine with the money coming from the fines to poor people and they are enj- oying in the feasts. They are using violence to accumulate the wea- lth.” 12 “Everybody is pouring the wine in the cup and drinking, us- ing the perfume sprays for sho- wing their pride and boastfulness, but nobody is anxieties about the dangerous situation to the cou- ntry is facing. 13 The woman in the houses asking their husbands to bring the drink (wine) for them. Awake, you drunkards, and wail, 14 if you obey the Word of God, The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD the consuming fire, and your vats will be full with wealth. You are crazy for the wine and you are not getting back even to sell your children for the wine. 15 You are speaking like this - “we are the wise people, so we have great wealth, and we have great rich, there is nothing wrong in our earnings, so we are not eligible for any sort of the punis- hments, speaking like this is vain. 16 The enemy will be destroyed your treasures, so wake up. 17 Either the fields or the store houses cannot give them the life , only the new life will give them the eternal life. 18 It is fulfilling saying that - “many people get intoxicated by drinking wine and liquor, fall down unconscious and get hum- iliated, so many lose their mental health by the prostitution, drin- king and all bad habits. It is bec- oming true in your case. 19 The people are shameless, shyless, leaving the respect and wandering with whoredom heart; the people are wasting the money by spending it like water that they use to clean their feet”. 20 “The officers of the govern- Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 567 ment are showing the accounts of the money wrongly and they put the treasure of the country at loss. Whatever is available to anyone, they are looting the trea- sure. 21 While money or the funds kept for the public health, educ- ation and maintaining the armed forces is getting waste; how the country can be without loss? It will definitely face the losses? 22 The government employees are spending the public money for waste expenditure and making holes to the government treasure; why not the country faces the loss in this situation? 23 Is it right that - “the govern- ment money is theft by the political leaders? Why is it happ- ening that - whatever is available to anyone; they are looting the government money and they are spending on waste expenditures? 24 Why no one is seen like Daniel who will try to save money of the government? Keep this matter aside, okay. 25 “People wish to purchase the gold and silver and they are sho- wing over excitement to have the property and why they are taking The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD credits for that? 26 As land drinks the water or the water swallows by the land, why the treasure of the country is swallowing money? Everyo- ne who is incharge of the treasu- res, is not giving the accounts honestly, 27 nobody was there like Daniel who will take care of this and see that the country is not at loss and why it is happening? He is so honest and faithful, isn’t it? Is there any one even single go- vernment employee who will get the things done like that? No. No one is like that, right?” 28 “And some wealthy people are doing some functions by which the government’s treas- ure has losses. So you have to understand such things, 29 you have to go swift in doing the works that are entrusted to you; such people should be det- ermined according to the con- stitution yet remember all are equal in the presence of law. 30 And the people are spending their time every day in taking buffet, feast and in spending their time with drinking wine or liquor and wasting all their time