The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 415

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 550 spiritual famines appears ever- ywhere. This is the reason for all these calamities. 33 If someone is the drunkard and doing the service of God and putting his hand in the Lord’s supper; doing undo things of men with men and women with women and becoming the pre- achers, 34 and the prostitutes and peo- ple indulged in adultery are being appointed as the pastors and preachers – all this if not sinful what it has to be called? 35 Everybody among you car- ries sin in the fold of his garment and entering into the church and then doing wrongs with his two hands aren’t curse? Surely it will be curse. This is what God, the consuming fire is asking you” – this is the Word of God, the con- suming fire. CHAPTER 196 PARABLE TO USA GOD, the consuming fire who was sitting on His throne is saying this parable - “The king and queen ants in the jungle gave birth to nine little ants. 2 Among them, only three ants are very clever and very intel- The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD ligent; they are also experts in hard working, 3 those ants get the food accu- mulated in the harvest time and make it ready for the summer and winter. These ants are wor- king hard like this, 4 and whatever they earn; they keep that food in their holes, that is in their home or in their stair buildings where they live, and stores food there like that. 5 When the rainy season started and it rains continuously, they sit in their holes or homes and eat with joy and enjoy. 6 The other ants, born with th- em, do not know how to save the food and they are not indus- trious or hard working, so they waste their time in waste activ- ities; more spendthrifts and they spend everything they had in less time. 7 “When they are hungry, they are begging in the streets. So the clever ants thought to help the foolish ants, so they helped the foolish ants, then the father of the king blessed those ants that helped the needy. Whoever may have the ears and whoever may hear this, they know this! Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 551 CHAPTER 197 INTERPRETATION OF THE PARABLE WORD of God, the consuming fire came to me and said like this- “the people of America are thin- king in their hearts, what that pa- rable means? 2 So to make known to them the interpretation of that parable so that they can know perfectly what that exactly interpretation. 3 The meaning of that parable is – “The jungle is similar to this wo- rld and the parents of the ants or the king and queen ants are similar to their patriarchs, 4 and the nine ants are similar to their spreading race which faced so many conflicts, 5 and three ants – they are similar to the corporate; businessmen and intellectual who have become very strong. 6 The six ants are similar to the people who are fully broken hea- rts and leading life with groaning and showing the sorrow of their pains. 7 They have developed their bu- siness to earn more and more and they have increased their earnings extremely very high. They have The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD worked hard and hard to earn that 8 they have stored in buildings in holes means, wherever they have the facilities; they have sto- red and increased their earning sources, the rains and floods are similar to the calamities that country has faced. 9 The other ants who are born along with them similar to other people who are spendthrifts and whatever they earn they spend it completely for their comforts and other luxuries; without sav- ing anything for the future needs, 10 they are caught and beating by evils (slaves to the sins) and they are not fulfill even their min- imum spiritual needs depend upon the Word of God, 11 the intelligent ants are similar to the corporates; business men and the intellectuals who are ea- rning more and doing help to the fellow citizens with the resour- ces they have. 12 Their father the king is similar to the Almighty God, the cons- uming fire who brought all the races and all the people in to de- veloped spheres.”