The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 412

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 544 give to God, the consuming fire is being taken by the satan to- wards the wrong teachings, how is it happening?” 33 “O country America, and it’s friendly countries of America, many wrong teachings from the Word of God, like the snakes are coming from the holes, how the wrong teachings are coming? How these wrong teachings are spreading like the wild fire in your country and your friendly coun- tries? 34 And many people aren’t count the patience of our Lord as salvation, and by not knowing this so many are unsteady and indecisive. Like the so called scr- ibes and those who are error of lawless people twisted the scri- ptures to their own destruction. 35 They are showing their cunn- ing to drag the people to the wro- ng ways. You have to know that by the words of His prophets, it has been told that by this evil peo- ple the country will face the fam- ine and destructions. 36 Then you have to stop those wrong teachings and suppress all lawless people against God in you. You must know that the tea- The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD ching of New Birth, that is the teaching of the apostles; that will be a teaching that allows you to the kingdom of God, the cons- uming fire; this is what God, the consuming fire is telling. 37 This is God, the consuming fire says about America and all its friendly countries” – declares God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 194 Prayer Of The Man Of God HEART of the man of God, the consuming fire was heavy and he wept and mourned about the America and also about that nation, being sad he prayed before his God, the consuming fire of heaven like this - 2 “O God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel! O omnipotent God, you have called your servant Abram to the place of Ur and changed his name as Abraham, 3 O God, you have blessed our father Noah in Rosh, You are our father; you are the great craf- tsman who gave us your image and likeness through Christ Je- sus to us, 4 these are the children of Jap- heth and they are living in a way that has become a blessing to Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 545 so many people. 5 This race is living with fame and abundantly for so many years doing good to the people and get- ting golden harvests and what- ever they had, they had just bec- ause of you”. 6 “O living God of heaven, O aw- esome God, whoever loves you and follows your commandme- nts(word) will you make them flourish and multiply, 7 you will make your covenant and keeps it with them; on behalf of this country and its people what I have been praying you with lowly, gentle and the sorrow tears as I am servant of you; you will allow them to come to your throne in the heaven, 8 give your ears to my prayers and give answer, I am praying on behalf of them and hear this and give your answer with kind heart. 9 I and the member’s of my fat- her’s home did sins, and like that; these peoples (this race) are also doing the sins and groaning, cry- ing their lives. 10 I am your servant and I am confessing all the sins of that race as the sins of me, O righteous God; you are the mercy and you The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD will forgive and you are God of gathers, your hands always skillfully”. 11 “We have behaved before you in unbearable way, they did not follow your word and they got in the dreadful Spiritual dan- ger and struggling. 12 Their shepherds (political leaders) and also their fathers (preachers or pastors and prie- sts) misled them towards the wrong path. 13 Attentive me o God, the yo- uth are caught in the sins and th- ere was none to make them re- deemed from that dreadful situ- ation and so groaning with the results of those deeds. 14 The family system is broken like that in the days of Ezra and people do not have the holy and they are eating, drinking, seeing, wearing and doing sins and only the sins. 15 O God, who is defeated de- ath and tomb, how or what ma- nner I pray for these people? You knew pretty well about tho- se days (in olden days) and ab- out their life when these people lived believing you and wished for the strength of your hands,