The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 411

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 542 growth and development, why? The country is shining with the castles of glass outside like the beautiful maggoty fruit, 9 but with worms inside, it is like the place of bad smell with the corpse in side, this is what God, the consuming fire is asking you” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire. 10 II And God, the consuming fire is telling to that country and all other countries on the planet of earth like this – 11 “God, the consuming fire sit- ting on His throne in the heaven, from there, He is telling to Ame- rica and also to all other such co- untries getting drowned econ- omically like this - 12 “Which ever country will follow the things that are told by God, the consuming fire, such co- untries and people will be flou- rishing like the plants and trees planted besides the water stre- ams, 13 and as per the spring seasons, as per the showers in their sea- son and as per the blessings they have; they will flourish and go on growing well” – this is what God, the consuming fire is saying. The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 14 “O country America and it’s friendly countries, hear carefully what God, the consuming fire is saying, think about them and take Godly decision about these things, 15 what are those things – “why your Spiritual and physical heri- tages to jackals (satan)? It is Just because of the reason - that you have left the Word of God and you have not believed His Wor- ds and because you have thrown away His will. 16 O country of America, hear this and be attentive. This com- mand has been given to Pastors and Preachers and Fathers in the country America, o people called as the Pastors and Pre- achers and do you know that this situation happened to the country just because of you? You are the reason for this. 17 You are preaching them evil preaching’s and keeping the pe- ople away from the truth and turn them towards the evil. 18 The servants are the emissary and messengers of God, the co- nsuming fire, so being the angels, you have to learn the teachings of God and then you have teach Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 543 those things to the people, isn’t it right? 19 But you have lost your way and going in the wrong way and by not getting the New Birth and unable to teach the right things; you are giving the wrong interp- retations to the Word of God”. 20 “You are giving the wrong meaning to the word taking the new birth, and as the building built on the sand, 21 you have been fallen on the ground for the rains, floods and the wind, you have added devised myths to the teachings of the Wo- rd of God and 22 like the false teachings of the so called scribes, your teachings also became the curse to the cou- ntry. 23 God has given you honors, but you have wasted them. 24 The people became greedy and learnt to steal the money of God. 25 They have learnt to waste the reverenced offerings and tithes; they are giving the dog’s money to God and violating the holy tea- chings of God. 26 They are caught by the pros- titution, flirting and doing adultery; The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD they are giving offerings to God. 27 Will such offerings be acce- ptable to Me, God, the consu- ming fire?” – This is what God, the consuming fire is asking. “Sh- ould prostitutes and drinkers come to God’s house when they have been participating those sins? 28 Whoever are giving the off- erings to God, except the chil- dren, all the elders must be defi- nitely having New Birth, that is having the new life- this is what the Word of God is giving the warning, 29 but not even one is newly born (being excused by Lord Jesus) and being caught by the sins, they are doing sins after sins. 30 They are sharing each oth- er’s sins and like this, they are making their sins size as a sky. 31 They are giving the offerings to God in this status; is it acce- ptable to God, the consuming fire? No, these are not accep- table to Me- says God, the co- nsuming fire. 32 And God, the consuming fire is telling like this - O country of America, the offerings you