The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 402

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 524 in the common folk? 32 The police employees are sp- eaking the foul and filthy lang- uage, where are the police office- rs like Cornelius?” this is what God, the consuming fire is saying. 33 “They have been caught in dreadful nets of the Satan and they are being dragged towards the perpetual judgment of God of fire. 34 Oh protection cadets, o sta- tions of protection force (Police or Cop stations), why you are full of corruption and injustice? 35 The protection cadets (Cop or Police) are spending time with smoking and drinking the liquor and doing so many sins. 36 Alas, o protection forces, don’t you need the eternal life? Don’t you need that heavenly kingdom which stays forever? God, Holy who will burn all the sins is only there . 37 He was be and He who came to the world as the saviour of the spirit(cop of spirit) of the sinners and saves the spirits, so get yourself new life and Born Again, 38 then you can enter into the kingdom of heaven. Don’t be drunkard, don’t accept the bri- The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD bes; be away from the prostit- ution, 39 give the suppressed solace, give support to distressed and troubled. Speak with the orph- ans and old aged with comfort words”. 40 “Know about the life of the Naaman commander of the ar- my of the king of Syria and the life of Cornelius and the life of the Roman army commander Saul meditate about them. 41 Looking at the God of great mercy Christ Jesus who was born in this world as the saviour of the sinners and defeated the death, how the very hard hear- ted Saul has become the man of mercy – all this you have to know and you too take a New Birth like him. 42 Accept as per the gospel according to the scriptural and try for the new life according to the scriptural; you too do like that, have the Born-Again, then construct on the good and strong foundation you will the partakers of the life, says God, the consuming fire” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire. Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 525 CHAPTER 188 God’s Message to Cop Systems GOD, the consuming fire is also saying about the police syst- em like this – “O all positions of the Cop department, 2 O secret investigators, and so many other employees in the protection force with so many different names; all of you should attentive, 3 all of you should accept the gospel as per the holy scriptures and take the New Birth, don’t be the servants in the sinful deeds; run away from such things, 4 don’t forget that the hell is the eternal acid(fire) ocean forever and ever very dreadful and bur- ning forever and ever to burn the sinners always, 5 there no human being, no angel can live in, so if you also want to escape from that, 6 you have to assuredly take a New Birth, and you have to rem- ember carefully that like the cons- truction on the foundation is built very carefully” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire. 7II God, the consuming fire is saying also like this – “O The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD collectors called the office ad- ministrators, God, the consum- ing fire is saying about you like this – 8 you are the collectors, isn’t it? If so why the problems of the people are in heaps where they are as it is stagnant, why is so? You have the name that you collect the problems and solve them carefully. 9 Is it right that the persons called the collectors can leave constitutions useless? Why so many collectors are becoming the supporters of the evil poli- tical leaders? 10 Is it right way that the colle- ctors can be caught in the corru- ption? Like the fish are caught in fisherman’s net, why the coll- ectors now-a-days are caught in the net of corruption? 11 Why you have studied hard? Is it just for your selfishness? No, not-at-all. Can anybody say that you have studied the books of administration just for yourself, nobody can say so, is it not right? 12 If anybody says so, will he be right to be a collector? He be never a right person to be a