The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 401

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 522 do not follow that and do injustice will be thrown into the lake of fire forever and ever into the burning perpetual fire. 12 Such people may be the country’s President. The judge of the major courts in the country may be administrator of the cou- ntry, and illiterate, whoever it may be will be thrown into the lake of eternal fire burning for- ever and ever. 13 The righteousness of the righ- teous shall be upon himself. So all of you among should be doing good and living with righteous and Justices; none should be doing sins from you. 14 The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor does the father suffer for the iniquity of the son”. 15 “If someone stops his path of sins, ready doing good things liv- ing with righteous; justices yet he will get the death but if he is with the righteous of the saviour he will surely live. 16 God, the consuming fire will not be pleasure just because the wicked are getting death, they should repent and turn He will The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD be happy. If a righteous person leaves his righteous, he will die assuredly. 17 O Judiciary systems and Parliaments, the words of God, the consuming fire are true and abiding justice, so leave the wa- ys injustice and lawlessness, 18 whoever follows the ways of righteous and justice, God, the consuming fire is looking only at him from the throne of the hea- ven. 19 Whoever says that the ways of God, the consuming fire are not just; he will be more and mo- re selfish and become hating the righteous and justices and those will be uprooted. 20 So as per My eternal plan and will, whoever is recorded as the eligible ones for My ete- rnal kingdom of perpetual ete- rnal life; all of them must be Born - Again”. 21 “The people on the earth are corrupting the law. All of them are immoral and for living; they are becoming prostitutes doing actions and doing all the mean things for earning money. 22 Will God, the consuming fire leave such people? No, will he Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 523 surely judge for such people? It is certain to take place. All of th- em will be strike by the judgment of God, the consuming fire. 23 So who reads all this should wakeup, gets him corrected, and leaves the ways of the sins. The people who are doing the sins were truly stricken by the God’s judgment on that day. 24 God, the consuming fire is going to give His judgments with great commotion for such peo- ple, such towns and such races. His judgments will be live, great and just in universal. 25 If anyone is doing harm to poor saying he is poor, to helpless saying he is helpless; to a widow saying she is a widow and to for- eigner saying he is foreigner, to weak saying he is weak, to orp- han saying they are orphan and doing the harm to their life; such people will be brought under the judgment of God, the consuming fire. 26 People are not getting fear to do the sins, so to punish people and get then frightened; find out some new powerful systems”. 27 “After finding such powerful systems, like God you have to The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD give the judgments. The father and son are doing sins without the knowledge of that to each other while the mother and dau- ghter are doing sins without the knowledge of each other and the wife and husband are doing sins without the knowledge of each other. 28 The members in every family are doing the sins in one way or other. The political leaders are emptying the government funds, 29 encouraging the unjust of the- ir own to proceed to the gove- rnment lands and properties by force and by crooked plans; and making the treasury of the governments misused for their personal benefit, woe to them. 30 The murders are taking place in the courts, the murders and rapes are taking place in the jai- ls, is it right that such things hap- pen in those places? This is what God, the consuming fire is ask- ing” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire. 31 II God, the consuming fire is yet saying like this – “why the police system is completely spoiled? Why the confidence on the police force is getting down