The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 400

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 520 teachings (law) of God, the cons- uming fire should not be tresp- assed, whoever will not follow the doctrines of justice will not follow the truth 16 and he will do the harm with the false, so you have to wake up and see that the rule of truth should flourish in the countries. 17 O experts of the law, and o Parliamentarians, all of you should do your efforts to see that the truthful living is established everywhere in the country. If anybody is trespassing the truth, doing things done as he likes and gets unhealthy development and makes boasting himself, 18 he is definitely like someone who keeps the fire in his pocket; such person will have the corr- upted behavior and he will spoil the society, so o the courts, 19 put your strong foot on such people’s head and suppress them down, only those whom names are mentioned in the heavenly book of God, the consuming fire those persons will get the excuse from that judgment”. 20 “So, o political leaders, o lawyers and o justices, all of you should take refuge of only the The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD truth. 21 All of you should know that, He is God of the righteousness and He likes that the justice is established on the earth. 22 The people are trying to be called as the people of righteous before God, but doing so many sinful deeds that are disgraced. 23 So, God, the consuming fire is keeping in His mind all those deeds of such people and all their deeds are like the filthy clothes and ready to be destroyed. 24 Nobody can stand before the throne of God, the consuming fire, so all of you should be Born Again and have the new life. 25 Have the righteousness of the saviour as your dress, all those deeds of their polluted garments of different works to satisfy God will be the base for their destru- ction. So this is why all of you are advised to wear the right- eousness of God as your dress. 26 Then His righteousness of the heaven that will stand forever and ever will come to light. If you walk in the path of the right- eous as the rudder of a ship; and like the stars in the sky, you will shine forever”. Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 27 “You have to instruct to so many for the new life, and you will be the witness for God, this is what God, the consuming fire is saying” – for thus says God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 187 All are equal Before Justice YET, God, the consuming fire is also saying like this to the people who likes the righteous, justice, truth and integrity like this- 2 “whoever acts and behaves against the four things, that is, against the law and lives on the earth created by Me, 3 assuredly I will give the judgm- ent as per the abomination things done by them and as per their behavior; assuredly I will give my judgment. 4 I will pour my bowl of anger on them and I will show all My anger on them. 5 But except one who is Born Again, all others will be beaten by My judgment, 6 O courts and Parliaments, women who are prostitutes and get murders done and accusing the innocent man with the charge of crimes and making them 521 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD criminals, 7 and why they are so rage, wi- cked upon and making man? As per the law is concerned; is it different for men like in one way and for women as in anot- her way? 8 Is it right that courts take the side of the women? If not so, is it right that they can take the man’s side? Instead of doing so; the courts have to see that the righteous and justice are saved and real criminals must be punished”. 9 “Such prostitute women with no character should be punis- hed properly and all their sins are on their heads only, they should be given judgments. 10 You have to know that som- eone who is not attracted tow- ards lending money for more interest to have more and more profit, not doing injustice and who will be more honest; justice and follow His statutes and get the praises of God, the consu- ming fire will be real wise pe- ople. 11 Whoever is accepting to the righteous and justice, he will live no doubt. But the others who