The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 397

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 514 9 Those physicians who are aro- und that stretcher and trying to cure that young man are the co- mparison of the human efforts to make the America healthy”. 10 “All the physicians are com- parison to the suggestions of ear- thly knowledge, the kith and kin (own people) cheating and be- coming the reason for spoiling his good health of the young man means – how God servants, pas- tors, political leaders who have to safeguard the country have become the reason for the curses and sins of the country – this thing is expressed by this. 11 The valuables (blessings) of the young man being stolen me- ans – all the blessings given to the country by God are stolen or destroyed by the satan – 12 The wounds on the body of the young man compared to America are - there is no good health from head to toe and whe- re ever seen there are wounds and injuries means – the troubles, loses and nudeness – spreading in the streets of the country with- out any holiness and it is com- pared to full unholy life of the sins. 13 Someone who had pity on the The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD young man and who brought to the young man to hospital, putt- ing him on his shoulders is –the Spirit of God who always Helper”. 14 “Bringing into the hospital means - it is the comparison to the efforts of all the leaders and the wise people from their trying. 15 The cap like thing on the you- ng man’s head like that used in operation theatre is - a compa- rison of all the bad intentions and sinful thoughts being concealed in everyone’s mind, but not reve- led outside, whether he is old or young man and whether woman or man living in that country. 16 The oxygen mask giving oxy- gen putting on the young man’s nose is compared – and shown resembled with the people in that country are used to live the artifi- cial life, leaving aside the natural life with the blessings given by God. 17 The Pulse Oxy Meter arra- nged to know the pulse is the comparison to the life style of them which is very lazy in heav- enly things and the blood plea- sure operator to know the blood circulation is compared to their Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 515 life condition in danger, 18 the Thermo Meter in his mouth is symbolic to the words coming from their mouth and their reading (writing down) by God’s judgment and fever to him means all the life style of him is being completely spoiled. 19 The Cardiac Monitor reading the heart function is compared to God’s word of living, liver test equipment is compared to the wrong preaching that they hear and that makes them walk in wrong path, 20 the equipment studying the urinary system of the young man is compared with their strength getting wasted. 21 The young man being sent to the diagnostic center for the examination is compared with the efforts of the wise men in the cou- ntry to find the defects and sins for correction” - this is what God, the consuming fire is saying; 22 And God, the consuming fire is saying about the reports of the young man like this – 23 “what the neurologist studies about the neurological system of the body and the mind of the young man in inactive position The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD and not functioning properly, 24 this means, their hearts of each other are not having one thinking; everyone is going in his own way separately, having no thoughts of God, filled with own, dark, bad, dirty, foolish and tho- ughts of evil spirit, 25 not speaking truth with affe- ction towards the fellow people; speaking all lies to his fellow beings, inspite of whole body joined and held together by ev- ery joint with which it is not equipped, when each part is working properly; makes the body not grow so that it not builds itself up in love, 26 (not working with love and affection for each other’s deve- lopment), so that we may longer be children; tossed to and thro- w by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctr- ine, by human cunning, by crafti- ness in deceitful schemes, 27 disqualify them, insisting on asceticism and worship bodily wants, being more of angels, going on in detail about vision; puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind, and not holding fast to the head, from whom the