The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 393

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 506 kiss. 13 then the brother that a Born Again should kiss another Born Again brother on his fore head to show his love and holiness. 14 Likewise sisters that are a Born Again, sister must kiss another Born Again sister on her forehead to show her love and holiness. 15 Any other kiss is a sign of un- cleanness, lasciviousness, feig- ned love and enemy satan’s dev- ices. 16 So take heed to yourself not allowing them in My living church, and see that the world may know you as holy children of God, 17 I exhort you to refuse men hugging or kissing women or women hugging or kissing men and completely avoid them. 18 Many countries adopted this act as a culture and tradition and leading people in destruction and perdition. So arise. 19 Has not Judah delivery your Lord with kiss? 20 Has not Orpah kissed her mother-in-law and mingled with the world far from the fellowship of God’s people. The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 21 Kissing on the neck is a sign of a person lost and found. 22 For holy people all things are holy but any act that is wea- kening other person conscience may it be killing! 23 II O church, if anyone says - to fulfill prayers, writing on the paper, and putting in the fire, in order to make vows to Me, 24 understand that he is not sin knowing My word and with one accord of alien dead work. 25 Because - he is encouraging this dead work with ignoring the written word, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by pra- yer and supplication, with than- ksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” 26 Has I written to do that in my Word? Notice that anything which is not in line with God’s word is the enemy satan’s, 27 avoid such dead works com- pletely. If anyone is the root cause for arguments and blames, understand that he is surely set- ting up a kingdom of dark angel - this is the Word of God, the consuming fire Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 507 CHAPTER 182 Song of Triumph 1 See kettledrum of success is beaten, getup Getup, why sleeping hey as a lazy? Getup See kettledrum of success is beaten Getup, why sleeping hey as a lazy? come Jesus has fought for us and He crushing heads of foe, and gave victory 2 Lit lamp, will you cover it? Will you putting in the vessels and quench it? Promise is the burning as a lamp; See it why not leave foolish life? 3 Lift up your lamp of promise Make the darkness run away quick Be prepared as a knight for fight Make the foe run away quickly 4 Lamp is lighted, why you put it aside why you search in dark- ness? Real light is your eyes of your spirit! Don’t be blind to fall into pit? 5 Why leave the lamp of word in air? Why be useless, older and defeated? The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD Word of God is the lamp! Is it changing your life-way banner? 6 Your spirit is the lamp in you bright? Why you live with the sins drink and eat? You are the son and daughter of Lost! Are you doing the duty at a Satan? CHAPTER 183 USA had Lost AS the hand of God, the consuming fire has come on me, I was in the spirit of God and saw a vision, 2 As I was in that vision, what I saw is this – “the son of a rich man called Handsome has been caught in the vices and spoiled all the blessings (riches) given to him by his Father, 3 he lost all his strength and spiritual wealth, family and frie- nds; all his uncorruptible and unable to get even the word of manna to live, he was taking sins as a bread from the ruler of this world and spending time, 4 he was walking through this world streets with hope that God will help him and hopes he