The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 392

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 504 blood is flowing in vein; vein blood is flowing in artery, 11 this young man’s blood cir- culation system is completely sp- oiled, heart attack is ready to att- ack him, and as the levels of cho- lesterol are heavy and 12 the heart beat is changed as sin-sin instead of lub-dub, if there is God, only He has to treat him and make him good; I cannot help him in any way, he said this and went away. 13 After he has gone, some other related system doctor has come and he has studied the reports of the liver system of the young man and said – this young man has perhaps drunk the spoiled and completely contaminated water and he might have been the addict of drinking continuo- usly liquor, so his liver has been completely damaged and now having the jaundice completely spread in him”. 14 “Another doctor who is a specialist in digestive system came and studied the concerned reports of the young man and said that the digestive system of the young man is completely spoiled, and so whatever he eats, The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD it will not stay in stomach and it will be vomited. Then two doctors related to one system of his body studied and like that all the systems of the body of the young man have been studied by the related twin specialists of each system of the body and trying to analyze the reports. 15 ‘After that, the specialists of the urinary system came and confirmed that the urinary system of the young man has compl- etely spoiled, 16 and as the kidneys of the young man are malfunctioning and function of kidneys filtering waste from the blood is malf- unctioning, the blood of the you- ng man is going as waste material with the urine, 17 so he is on the death bed and about to die and as nobody is in a position who can help him, 18 so he has been left as forlorn and desolate after being beaten, plundered and made helpless as nobody can help him – he said and he has also left that place’. 19 ‘The political leaders who are around him are seeing now each other’s faces and saying – what we can do now? We made Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 505 him heavily destroyed and completely corrupted. We have made him spoiled completely. 20 We have made him beaten heavily. We made the thieves steal him fully. We did all the bad that we can do to him. 21 After he dies, we can build a tomb the memorial in the place he is buried, and we can be ha- ppy and comfortable. We made him so corrupted and useless that no doctor can treat him and make him again healthy. They are spe- aking like this in their hearts, which I heard standing nearby them. 22 This parable told by God, the consuming fire can be heard by everyone who has ears and can hear”. CHAPTER 181 Law Can’t Give Salvation God, the consuming fire says like this - Oh church! Any one of you is commending himself that we go to heaven as we keep the ten commandments of the law, 2 O church, whoever speaks like that be it catholic, protestant, ort- hodox, or something else, 3 whether he is keeping the com- mandments of the law or fulfilling The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD the whole law, what you need to know is - 4 one must be Born Again to enter into the kingdom of God, inspite of fulfilling the whole law. The law clearly tells about the New Birth of Sinners. 5 Because - New Birth is the main commandment in all com- mandments of Mine and if gives life. 6 If anyone argues to observe the law to enter into the heavenly kingdom, 7 He is the one who like fire- wood to be tormented in the hell forever and is appointed for it. 8 So I exhort you to proclaim that leads to New Birth and to make enter the kingdom of God, 9 be watchful in the expansion of God’s kingdom. 10 II O church, I tell to you to exhort and leave you about this dead work. 11 That is – greet one another with a holy kiss – is misused. So I make you known about that. 12 If anyone is willing to express his divine love, Godly holiness without hypocrisy, through holy